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Category Archives: Guy of Gisborne

Guy of Gisborne Taking off his Armour.

Originally posted on Middle England Earth Art:
My very first foray into digital painting back in May 2009. I scanned my pencil sketch and brought it up in Corel 3, and then used a Wacom tablet and stylus and about a thousand layers to paint it…About 35 or so, anyway. 😉 Armour is so much…

Armitage Weekly Round-Up Week 8

armitage 8

Welcome to week 8 of the Armitage Weekly Round-up.

 Guylty almost developed a case of sprained finger and wrist from clicking up and down the Tumblr feed to pick out the best of microblogging, so check out the Tumblr Round-Up for week 8.


Here are the RA/Hobbit/OT posts, I hope they brighten up your day 🙂

Still spReAding the love!

ZaRYSIOwana serves up some Heartbreaking Guy (Polish, breathtaking photos)

Some more Guy, courtesy of Zan, sunny-side up

A Guy waking dream is enough to brighten up the day

The best image to recommend John Porter apart from naked Porter abs and pecks

Need a portable RA shrine? Guylty’s got it covered

Prue Batten’s Guy of Gisborne’s books really can be a Friday Favorite

Does Richard suffer from gynopogonophobia? *checks for stray chin hairs*

On Nazgûl’s– I love a man in black…


Hey, have you ever wondered if you might be *gulp* Smaug?

Grati looks at the simple gifts of love.

The RA thumb appreciation society seems to be growing, right Siriouslygrednforge? And a word/image from the RATAS founder

Dwarf+Brainstorming= This

The perfect hot beverage to sip on when reading The Hobbit

It warms my heart when Richard is included in a “perfect casting” pick. Make it so!

I really need to pack a suitcase and head to Hobbiton (and yes, I know I say that almost every week)


Will Comic Con get the dwarf treatment in 2014? Here’s to hoping!

To celebrate, how about a Dwarvicise video to build up a sweat (an oldie but goodie).

Hey dwarves, let’s get physical!

Don’t forget to check out Guylty’s Tumblr Round-Up!

Thorin is spreading and I can’t make him stop (where are Orcs when you need them!!!)

I don’t know about you, but I always enjoy posts which feature pics of bloggers in their natural habitat and am often confused that they actually exist in RL in oppose to being conveniently placed right inside my laptop.

Today I will be posting tiny peeks into Chez AgzyM, dust bunnies, vinyl wallpapers and all 😉

There’s a room in my flat which has  a set of shelves on the left hand side as you enter.

chez1Even before I move in, I started collecting fancy little shoe figurines and added the Andy Warhol Shoe book of illustration to the mix.

It was a cute feature, but it was time for a change…

You see, I’ve been fiddling about and in the meantime my Erebor has been slowly taken over!

 Thorin had been creeping into my flat (I have a sneaking suspicion he found my secret dwarf door and just used his key…and I don’t mean that in a dirty way…).

It started with London Thorin, a gift from my BFF while we were in London in 2012 to see The Hobbit AUJ.

chez 2

Then this Christmas I added Anime Thorin to the collection (thanks not-so-secret- Santa!).

chez 3

Then a beautiful Thorin stamp rounded things up (I’ll be changing the stamp background today, I think I can do a bit better and it certainly deserves it…).

chez 4

OK, three is hardly a company of dwarves, so Lego Thorin was added to strengthen the group.

chez 5

When you’ve already let decency go, it’s easy to go from four to five, so that’s how I ended up with Heroclix Thorin.

chez 6

If we add my own Stockingface Thorin who remains blind, so he won’t be battling dragons any time soon…

chez 7

….that makes SIX Thorins in one woman’s flat!

Slightly excessive, no?

I gathered my company of dwarves on my bookshelves, but the written word started to fight back, so I’ve succumbed and gave the shoes the boot…

chez 8

One bookshelf is hardly excessive, but then, if I’m honest, that’s not the only place where RA pops up.

There’s an Action Figure Gizzy on the way (and I’m still not ready to talk about that particular impulse buy…).

Gizzy will come stomping his feet, clad in squeaking leather, wielding his sword, and will find the lodgings somewhat cramped…

There’s my Pop Art Richard Pic that’s standing right by my front door (and contrasts the authentic 20s telephone pretty nicely, right?):

chez 9Then there’s the kitchen.

I really liked the beautiful card from Guylty and thought it’s go well with my 60s Polish Ćmielów figurines that are right above my cooker:

chez 10

I dare not think who else will set up camp in Chez AgzyM (although I’m certain it won’t be Weta Thorin, at least till I win the lottery…).

Other RA items are put away, for now, although last night I dreamed up a board where I could display all the beautiful cards I’ve received from my Armitage Admirer friends.

I’ll keep you posted…

Oh, and Sir PJ, as you vacation in luxurious exotic locations and I freeze my bollocks off, you’re very welcome 😉


I think Stamp Thorin looks much better… onto the shelf it goes!

chez 11

A film by any other name is still not on my screen…

A film by any other name is still not on my screen…


In the wee small hours of the morning, I had a mini blogging panic attack with regards to this post which had been scheduled to come out a few hours later.

My main assumption was that tornadoes are accompanied by rain, but this is no Kansas and the closest I’ve ever come to a tornado is that little whirl you get when you pull out the drain plug.

If there’s no rain, I was royally screwed!

I can now confirm that there are “rain-wrapped” tornadoes.

Gary Morris Armitage

Oh, and Richard is actually wet in this pic and that’s all the confirmation I need 🙂

So without further ado…

Armitage tornado1

There are clearly some issues with Richard’s project that he filmed last year in the US and that we’re still waiting on.

The movie has gone through a list of titles:

Category Six

Black Sky

Now we think (but who really knows…) that it’ll be called:

Into the Storm

My favourite by far is Bccmee’s Tornado of Love, but the film producers seem to be ignoring this far superior option.

So what if it would require minimising the main drizzly and windy plotline in favour of Richard getting hot and heavy with his leading lady?

(Release the weather puns…)

Now that’s a story that would sweep me away!

I actually encourage any shifts that will focus on the love part rather than the tornado one, do you catch my drift?

And if things get breezy and actors get disrobed in the process, I say go with the flow…

But seriously though, I really can’t wait for the tornado movie to come out, they say there’s a twist at the end.

 I though that maybe we should give a helping hand and offer some other title alternatives to speed the process up and get Richard onto out screens asap, because waiting is quite a blow!

So make sure your mind is not clouded or in a fog because we may have mist some great film title ideas.

How about:

 The Storm Chaser of Dibley

Harry rain_edytowany-3

There’s something about yellow rain gear that makes me giggle.

You can even protect the essentials from the rain… don’t want things getting damp…

Moving swiftly along… how about:

Gary Hood

Guy rain 1

Guy sure looks miserable enough to know a thing or two about dire conditions.

I can just imagine him standing there, sword in hand, ready to fight the tornado, at the same time blaming the sheriff for it.

Put on your willies, grab the torchlight, put your thinking waterproof cap on and tell me:

What are your tornado movie title ideas?

PS. Impromptu image for Perry

RA Dragon

And another quick one…

RA dragon 3

ArmiBat. The Dark Knight remains silent as usual…

Tomorrow I’ll be making an announcement regarding what I have in store to coincide with King Richard Week.

Let’s just say I’m interpreting King Richard in a different way, and if you remember Operation Armitage from last year, you’ll have a clue as to what’s coming 🙂

In the meantime, let me tackle something that’s been floating around in the past few weeks.

Armitage batman Armibat

Is he or isn’t he?

Of course Richard knows, but he’s not telling, but then he never does.

Hmmmm, secrecy is a prerequisite for any successful superhero…

My sister asked how I feel about Armibat and I’m giving this idea  two thumbs up (do bats have thumbs?), but then I’m so starved fo anything new from RA.

On top of that, I wouldn’t mind Richard clad in black rubber getting tangled up in my hair, but that’s a whole different story, and one best left for RA Confessions.

As the Armibat rumours ripple across our fandom, I especially liked Seba’s take on the issue.

I starting forming thoughts in his comments, then decided that it warranted a further analysis.

Pot Kettle Black!

It’s all fine and dandy for Gizzy and Thorin to laugh at Armibat, but let’s delve not much deeper into the stories of these three characters.

There are multiple similarities:

They all went through a trauma in their childhood/youth that shaped their life

They are all outsiders trying to fit in

They are on a mission and stop at nothing to achieve their goals

They all wear outfits that make great Halloween costumes

When we break things down though, Batman doesn’t look all that silly in his pointy-eared mask.

For one, he runs a successful business, albeit inherited, but still he didn’t let a dragon who sounds oddly like Sherlock Holmes take it away.

He doesn’t have to suck up to a demented sheriff to gather his fortune.

Let’s just say, Batman is laughing all the way to the bank.

On top of that, he has a secret lair which includes a Playboy Mansion style waterfall.

Beat that Shorty and Grumpy!

That’s prime real-estate, and there no huffing and puffing dragon parked there.

And the voice.

Oh, Batman’s voice!

Imagine Richard doing the “I’m Batman” line!

Batman also wins hands down in the accessories department!

Beardy and Gayliner can sheaf their toothpick swords…

You add Bat to any word and Batman’s got it!

Batsignal? Check!

Batmobile? Check!

Batman utility belt? Yup!

Cave, blaster, girl? Check, check, check!

Hell, he’s even got Robin and who wouldn’t want a brightly dressed and pantyhose clad boy for a sidekick!

All I’m saying is that Gizzy and Thorin need to wipe those smirks of their cute cartoon faces as they choke on the batmobile’s dust.


On a serious note, do I think Armibat is going to happen?

Well, no news on new RA film projects would make sense if he’s already tied down for Batman (just had a vision of RA in the Batman costume literally tied down, another one for RA Confessions me thinks…).

On the other hand, all the mentions of RA playing the part are of the “Hey, wouldn’t he make a great Batman” variety, so that’s hardly hard-hitting journalism.

I’m gonna call this particular rumour BS.

And then I’ll keep my fingers crossed that I’m made to eat my words wrapped up in a sexy Armibat sandwich 🙂

And here’s one of my favourite Big Bang Theory moments featuring Howard as Batman.

Welcome to The Amazing Armi Gift Shop!

*Guest blogger alert part 3*

So I’m not going to lie, I experienced some mild panic when deciding what to do for my final post of FanstRAvaganza4.
I didn’t worry too much at the beginning of the week; I figured that the Gods of Armi-inspiration would visit me in the night and I’d wake with a fab-tastic idea for post 3!
Well, that didn’t happen.
But I did have a Sir Guy dream, which is never a bad thing! ^^

I’d scribbled down an idea in the “maybe” column when I’d first started brainstorming for the Armi lovin’ event:
“Some kind of fantasy shop…Armitage stuff”

Now, I like “stuff” as much as the next girl. One can never have enough stuff.
But hang on one cotton-milling minute!
What if there was a magical place where you could buy all kinds of Armitage…stuff?!
From stationery to clothing to utterly random accessories?!
Everything with his insanely beautiful FACE on it!
I would be in there every day, stocking up on goodies and collecting points on my Armitage loyalty card.

Okay, so there are already a few awesome Armitage related items on the market.
From Guy of Gisbourne action figures to Thorin Oakenshield lego.
Not to mention the amazing Hot Dwarf King mug a muchly amazing Hot Elf King loving friend bought me for Christmas ^_^
(I talk about my Thorin mug a lot, because I love it a lot)

But this shop…
Oh lordy, THIS shop would stock all of the above AND MORE!

So, without further ado, I invite all of you to the unveiling of

This shop is full of all kinds of Armitage delights!

Where would you like to go first?

Perhaps the make-up department?

SIR GUY  has just launched his new range of glorious GUYliners!


Buy your GUYliner today!

You too can smoulder and smirk your heart out!
And swoon over all the pretty promotional posters! 😉

Across from the make-up counter you’ll find all kinds of funky accessories…
All EXCLUSIVE to The Amazing Armi Gift Shop!

May I suggest some adorable
The handsome cotton mill owner is waiting to adorn your nails!!

Over in the kitchen department, you can get your mitts on
It really is fit for a (Hot Dwarf) King!!
It even toasts Thorin’s delicious FACE onto every slice!!
Also available is this limited edition

Take it to work!
Take it to the park!
Take it to bed!

Perhaps you’re on the lookout for some charming footwear?
Look no further!
Harry is ready & waiting to keep your feet warm with these
Look at his wee happy face!
How could you possibly resist?

Looking for something a bit more dangerous?
Why not trust Sgt. Porter and take home this nifty
Use it responsibly though, peeps!
I hope you’ve enjoyed looking around!
Please visit again soon!
There is something for every jolly Armitage Admirer at the
It’s just a shame it only exists…
…in my head! -_-
For now!
What marvellous items would you like to see Armi’s face (and *ahem* other body parts) on?

I’d quite like a pair of Armi scissors…where his glorious legs are the blades.
Mind you, I’d probably be prone to accidents with those in my hands! -_-

Well I’ve certainly enjoyed bloggin’ around this week.
Thank you so much for having me, Agzy!!
And thanks to everyone for welcoming me into the Armitage bloggin’ fold with your lovely, funny and amusing comments!
*HIGH-5s all round!*

Merry FanstRA4 everybody!

Richard, you drive us crazy!

FanstRA4 Banner pink

Have you ever been curious about what it’s like to be a blogger, especially an Armitage one?

Let me tell you this- it’s so luxurious and exclusive we put the Dynasty Carrington’s to shame 😉

Nope, not a whiff of desperation.

Oh, the lifestyle of the rich, famous and blogging…

Earlier today, at the eleventh hour:

Me: Oh bloody hell, I need a FanstRA4 post for tomorrow and I’ve got nothing. Any ideas?

Magzy: Eeerrrr I had an idea a while ago…

*I wait..and wait….nope, that’s the end of THAT discussion…the sound of the clock clicking is defening*

A few hours later…

Me: So, about that fab idea you had and I really need…

Magzy: Eeerrrr…. just do some a post “Richard as something…”. Ya know, like last year’s Richard characters as dogs

What about… eerrr…..Richard and cars…

*I snort, rolls my eyes, prepare to go to war about how stupid the idea was… but hold up… hold on one damn minute…this could works….yeeeessss…. this could work..kinda….*

Richard Armitage, you drive me round the bend!

I mean seriously, you need to give us all a break from your smoking hotness!

You drive us all crazy, so here’s a crash course on what cars different RA characters drive.

The car stopped with a jerk, then the  jerk got out.

Our dear Grizzly Gizzy is a bit dangerous, therefore I can see him in a Hennessey Viper Venom 700NM.

I’m not saying Guy has self-esteem issues, but he’d definitely be driving an expensive stolen sports car.

Based on his behaviour many would rather see him in a Mazda LaPuta or Mitsubishi Pajero (a little Spanish joke there…).

Anyway, everyone’s fuming over the high cost of gas, but not to worry as Guy has the poor villagers running on fumes to keep that tank filled up.

Guy Viper

Our favorite bookworm Harry Kennedy definitely wormed his way into our hearts.

It just isn’t fair how he fueled our fangirling imagination and he wins hands down.

With his John le Carré books and maths skills, he’s quite a Smart one.

At first he couldn’t figure out how to fasten his seatbelt, but then it clicked.

Harry Smart

Many artists tend to be tanked most of the time, and Claude Monet would support his fellow painter and drive a Citroën Picasso.

Richard’s wig hardly revved our engines, but the part was an auto-matic hit with the fans.

It’s hard enough to maneuver the art world and stay in the race, but it’s easy to brush it aside when you travel in comfort.

Armitage Monet Picasso

Thorin Oakenshield, we’re all in this Armitage Admiration for the long haul.

Riding that pony such a long way must be taking its toll and you must be running on fumes (I still don’t get why the eagles could just drop you off closer to your destination).

Anyway, I’d like to offer you a more comfortable, not to mention worthy of a king,  alternative meaning this Mustang.

This is the only horse power you need to get to where you’re going!

Just remember not to speed in the frozen areas because the Middle Earth police will stop you cold.

Thorin mustang

Drivers in a rush who stop at traffic lights often see red, but no such worries for our dear fast and furious John Porter as he’d roll alone along a desert road (apart from a few planes, tanks, terrorists, bombs and such).

That’s why I think he’d definitely need a Renault Duster with its own swanky protective scarf and sunglasses.

Also, the car manual stipulates the driver must be shirtless while operating this machine, dunno why, possible something to do with the gear shift…

John Porter Duster

ATTENTION : Loose Nut behind the Wheel!

HONK… If You Want To See My Finger!

CAUTION: I drive like you do !

HONK if you Admire Armitage!!!

Marry, sleep with or take as your date to a school reunion…?

*Guest blogger alert part 2*

Hello again, fellow Armi enthusiasts!

Some saucy silliness for you today! Teehee!

On day 2 I asked you who your fave Armitage character and “go-to” viewage is.
And I told you all about mine. With the aid of some pretty pictures 😉
On day 4 of FanstRAvaganza I’d like to know which of the tall beauty’s nice, not so nice and a lot nicer than some characters you would….

Now, that charming chap from Leicester has played an array of characters.
From tall handsome strangers…
Hellooo, Harry Kennedy!
To brooding “bad boys”…
Sir Guy, throw me upon your steed & run away with me!
There’s been topless tough guys…
Oh, Sgt. Porter, I do like your…gun! >_>
And most magnificent spies….
Well, you know my feelings on THAT MI5 agent… *ahem*

Just to spice things up a bit, and make it more fun. (And because I’m a bit of a meanie! ;P).
I have chosen 9 of Armi’s characters and, picking their names out of a hat, (or in this case, my Thorin Oakenshield mug), I have split them into
3 random groups of, er, 3.
Consider each 3 in turn.
And tell me
If you absolutely definitely HAD to make a choice
(and let’s pretend you do!)
Who would you…

A). Marry

         B). Sleep with

                C). Take as your date to a
school reunion?

It’d be marvellous to know your reasons too!

First group of beauties:

Second group of swoon-er-roonies:


Third group of hot potatoes:


I know it’s tricky (very tricky!)
But think it through. Mull it over. Make yourself a cuppa and ponder the pros  and cons of each option.
I had to think long and hard myself.
For group one
I finally decided I would….

MARRY: Lucas North

I couldn’t NOT marry my favourite spy. Plus I would get to wake up to THAT FACE every morning, stroke his glorious tattoos, and swoon over his legs all the live long day! (You know, when he’s not off spying & stuff!)

SLEEP WITH: Sgt. Porter

He’s just so tough and strong and steaming hot!!
I’d want him to pick me up and throw me on the bed! Yum!


How impressive would it be to bring a Hot Dwarf King from Middle-earth to your school reunion? Everyone would be in awe of him. Plus he’d have much prettier hair than all those bitchy girls you went to school with! Also, he could defend your honour with his sword fighting skills!!
My choices are of course subject to change. -_-
As for groups 2 & 3…
I’ll have to think on it some more and get back to you! ^^

Well, I hope you enjoyed my little game!
Can’t wait to hear what you’d “do” with all these Armi-licious characters!
P.S. If you have any thoughts on anything else you’d like to – *ahem* – “do” with these characters, or any others I’ve not mentioned, please feel free to share that too!

Perhaps you’d like Ricky Deeming to take you for a ride on his motorbike? 😉
Or maybe you’ve had thoughts about spending time with Monet and his….canvas?! 😉
Don’t be shy: share!


Merry FanstRA4 everybody!

Images borrowed from: RANet

Taking Fashion Tips from Guy of Gisborne

I came across the following image at Debbie Does Doodle and it immediately made me think that it’s focusing on the wrong character from the Robin Hood story 🙂

Here’s the styling, which really embodied Robin, but interprets it in a way that any woman would feel feminine and sexy.

Gone are the green tights and dodgy hat.

I especially like the arrow earrings and gold leaf bracelets.

I though about how to reinterpreted the style of our Sherwood sweetheart Guy of Gisborne, and perhaps it could serve as inspiration for a mild version of a Grizzly Gizzy Halloween costume, or a least a themed outfit that nods towards him.

I see plenty of leather, beautiful boots, an interesting studded trench and some green velvet, here present in the form of a clutch bag.

The thighs are on full display and the shoulders are bold.

What’s missing?

I doubt any modern woman could afford to be tied up quite as often as Guy seems to be!

Let’s leave the rope at home!

I’m especially excited about the black pearl Ciate nail varnish.

I’m actually going to get my hands on it today and I’m still not sure if I love it of find it really weird.

Because I’ve been eating very healthy, my nails are very long and strong, so I may end up looking like I was given a manicure by Morticia Addams.

I’ll keep you posted 🙂

Have a wonderful Gizzy Day, take some fashion tips from him and strut like you won’t fit in the door frame!

If Sheriff Vasey was high in Nottingham, that would explain a thing or two…

I was meaning to write about this story over a month ago, but it got side-tracked.

It seems that Keith Allen, who is constantly described by British tabloids as ‘Lily’s Dad’, will be taking a cocktail of Class A drugs on British  TV.

Allen, who has a history of drug use, will be under strict doctor supervision.

This will be part of Channel 4’s Drugs Live, a program, which will be screened in the Autumn, that will examine the effects drugs like cocaine, marijuana and ecstasy have.

You can read more about it here.

I really don’t have an opinion regarding the program, and will reserve judgment until it airs, although it does seem like a very controversial idea, and no doubt will bring in plenty of viewers.

In a world where having sex live on Big Brother, and selling booze at petrol stations, is apparently OK, some may regard this next step as natural.

It did however get me thinking of Sheriff Vasey.

Talk about mood swings!

I wonder if Allen drew upon his experiences to add that note of drug-infused madness to the character.

An addiction to some mood-altering substance could explain his volatile behavior, controversial ideas, and why he was so prone to violence.

There’s a twinkle of madness in Vasey’s eyes.

Of course, his temperament, and horrible behaviour towards Guy of Gisborne, could simply be the result of a thoroughly nasty character.
Maybe the sheriff’s simply high on life, and drunk on power!