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Category Archives: Manips

Armitage Visual Fest 6

There are some images I particularly like to photoshop for whatever reason.

Here are a few of my favorites:

First up, Richard holding a piece of paper is too much for me to resist…


I did a fun Running Richard activity a few months ago.


I don’t know why I’m so drawn to this image, especially seeing that it’s a hassle to clean up and remove the background.


Here’s another image that I like tinkering with:


By the way, when I get to my “Run Richard” or “Leaning against Richard” I usually start with something like this:

Empty Lucas Running RA tux empty

That way whatever background I want them against is easy to insert 😉

Armitage Visual Fest 5


Here’s a photo shoot I like to call “Richard doing weird thing with his hands”.


Hey Mister, keep those hands where I can see them…

LeslieHassler-04 LeslieHassler-05

I wish each photographer gave us a behind the scenes glimpse at Richard doing his Armitage magic.

If there isn’t at least a dozen fanfics inspired by this Richard getting dressed photo I shall feel cheated 😉


Armitage Visual Fest 4

I have a decent amount of Armitage pictures on my laptop, I bet my compilation pails in comparison to most people’s (I’m a laptop purist and chuck things out the moment I even suspect I don’t need it).

Having said that, I have enough pictures when I want to fiddle around with photoshop.

I usually bin my little silly manips the moment they are published in a post, but every so often I end up keeping a few, mostly because they have inspired me to do something else.

Here a few of the manips I’ve made for whatever reason (seriously, with some of them I stopped asking why? and how?)


RA dragon 3 RA tablet Thorin Richard Armitage mask tumblr_murdxigqRN1rq48e0o1_500

richard-armitage-hollywood richard-armitage-north-by-northwes-poster

Then there are those manips that never get completed.

I’d been meaning to do a Richard Armitage Magician post (for whatever reason) and I never completed it:

Richard Magician 11

Yup, still need plenty of work…

Armitage Visual Fest 3

While I’m away, my scheduled posts will be publishing some of my favorite RA pictures (or stuff that is stuck in my RA folder and I’ve held on to for whatever reason).

I loved this photo shoot from the first time I laid eyes on it.

Richard looks so young and relaxed and I liked the simplicity of it, although I bet Guylty would *ooof* the heck out of it 😉


I got a strong Buddy Holly vibe, that probably what possessed inspired me to add some glasses.

richard-armitage-glassesAlso, the arm hair…

Anyway, I approve!

A Discovery of Witches and a perfectly vampirical Armitage

I know I promised you the results of the RA Silent Auction this weekend, and I’m bursting to wrap things up and share the final tally, but I’m still waiting on a transfer from a winner who has just opened up her Paypal account and banking stuff is making her, me and us wait.

Secondly, my usual posts like Arty Farty Friday and Stereotype Sunday will be suspended for December.

There’s so much happening in the RA world, not to mention my trip to London this Wednesday and Christmas right around the corner, there’s only so much scheduling a blogger can do.

Last but not least, I’m very excited about the Berlin première tomorrow!

I wasn’t too enthralled with the world premiere (sorry LA), and I really hope that we Europeans can muster up some more energy and welcome The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug with less of a fizzle and more of a bang.

I’m counting on my RA friends to wave the flag, take plenty of pictures and report back 🙂

Matthew Clairmont Armitage

Rarely do I read a book and a character jumps out as one that would be perfect for Richard to play.

I’ve often wondered how I would feel about Elizabeth Gaskell’s North and South had I read the book first and saw the BBC series second.

Of course I’ll never know, but I’m pretty sure Armitage for Thornton and Daniela Denby-Ashe for Margaret wouldn’t have been my obvious casting choice and yet they worked perfectly in the series.

I’ve heard Armitage Admirer sharing which protagonist they’d like to see Richard portray on screen, but the one that stuck with me was the character of Matthew Clairmont  in A Discovery of Witches.


The Debrah Harkess book had been lingering on my Kindle for some time, always “the next book to read after I finish the current one”, I kept overlooking it until a few days ago.

I’m not sure if all the fandom chatter that Armitage is perfect for Clairmont actually swayed my judgment, but holy cow, Armitage is soooo perfect to play the dashing ancient vampire.

For those who have not yet read the book (I’m in the middle of it, so no spoilers please!), you can find the synopsis here, but I’ll focus on why Richard would be perfect for the part.

By the way, the film rights to the book were purchased by Warner Bros., but I haven’t found any details as to what their plans for this project is, nor have I dug up any info regarding the cast, so a girl can dream 🙂

A Discovery of witches 2

Before my dear readers start complaining that I’d dare wish for Richard to be cast as a vampire, this book is not your run-of-the-mill paranormal juvenile book where girl meets vampire, they fall in love, he wants to kill her stuff.

Professor Matthew Clairmont is an ancient vampire who looks like he’s in his 30s and is gorgeous: very handsome and tall, with wide shoulders and narrow hips, athletic and sturdy.

Did I mention Matthew does yoga?

He’s a scholar, stylishly dressed in expensive garb who drives an expensive old car and is a wine connoisseur.

He’s also ridiculously charming and has the air of a gentleman from a bygone era.

At this point of Matthew’s description I think his similarities to John Thornton are obvious.

And it doesn’t stop there: Clairmont is incredibly protective of the woman he falls madly and dangerously in love with (or, as the book describes, he’s mating her).

Matthew Claimont Richard Armitage

He’s enthralled with Diana, very much like Thornton is with Margaret, delighting in her scent and going out of his way to keep her safe, even against his better judgment.

He’s torn between his deep feeling for her, who he is at the very core and the danger his emotions could entail.

His passion for the woman he loves drives him half-mad, especially that it’s the first time he feels so strongly about another being, despite having relationships in the past.

A chunk of what I’ve read so far takes place in the Bodleian library in Oxford and what a lovely setting it is for the plot.

An Armitage aficionado will ask which of Richard’s incarnations best suits Clairmont physically.

The obvious choice would be either season 8 Lucas North or John Mulligan, but in truth I see Matthew just as Richard is now, out and about promoting DOS, with his comfy cardigans and Hugo Boss jumpers, his hair a little longer, a smile fixed on his face.

I can only hope, against all hope, that if/when the casting for A Discovery of Witches rolls around, Richard Armitage’s name will be included in the mix.


If you would like to check out why Richard is perfect for the part of Matthew, go to Armitage 4Clairmont.

Bundle up Europe! Heavy winds, snow AND a socklifter are heading your way!

RA Silent Auction update:

I’m waiting for the last transfer to come through and then I’ll be announcing the results of RASA.

Thank you to all who participated, I hope items are shipped out and making their way to the lucky winners 🙂

Armitage sock sticky fingers 2

If you’re in Europe, you will probably be experiencing the same view outside your window.

I don’t remember ever experiencing such snowstorms and heavy winds, but it sure looks beautiful (if not disturbing) outside.

I seriously feel like I’m about to head out crab fishing in the Bering Sea (I’m a big fan of Deadliest Catch).

I left work early, right before the worst of it hit, so I’m at home with Magzy and my two pups.

One of the ways to make days like these better is to bundle up in some comfy clothes and put a pair of warm socks on.

That’s unless Richard Armitage, the sock sticky fingers, hasn’t already raided your sock draw.

Armitage sock sticky fingers

Although this is a serious condition, one that affects cold toes everywhere, scientists know little about this compulsive behaviour known as “Kleptomania Pedule”.

The statistics are frightful!

It can affect up to 100% of all British actor’s named Richard Armitage, but loved ones can also be innocent victims of this condition, as well as unsuspecting costume department employees.

As of yet no cure has been discovered, but scientists are working night and day to ensure that all toes remain toasty in the coldest of weather conditions by cutting down on sock magpie-ing.

Doctors have also diagnosed similar conditions such as:

Kleptomania Indusia (compulsive underwear stealing)


Kleptomania Tibialia (theft of stockings, which intensifies around Christmas time)

If you are suffering from compulsive sock stealing or know someone affected by socklifting, cold-footed and sockless,   remember that you are not alone!

Debbie does Dallas, Richard does Old Hollywood…

There WILL BE a “what’s Richard leaning against?” brainstorming post once the RA Silent Auction (coming to a computer near you this Friday!) is done and dusted, but I’ll leave you with this image I’ve been toying around with:

Richard Armitage Hollywood cinema

I simply refuse to let go of Old Hollywood Richard!

Scientists keep on trying to figure out Viagra for women.


Here it is, and without any nasty side-effects!

In the meantime, here’s the image and you can start thinking where we’re going to stick Richard 🙂

RA tux empty

It’s not all a Barrel of Laughs for Thorin

I dare not write and schedule a post for the next few days in fear that tomorrow’s fan event will be loaded with delicious goodies and will spark new posts that conflict with what I’ve already had planned.

In the meantime, as we count down the hours, pray for extra strength internet connection and smooth streaming, I turned my attention back to The Hobbit AUJ.

Yesterday I cracked an obtained a copy of the movie (in that Arrrr Captain! way, if you catch my drift), all 2,5 GB of it and watched it for the first time since January.

Although the extended version is out on November 11th, I just couldn’t help myself and needed something to tide me over.

Richard Armitage swimming

I was also thinking how ironic it is for an actor who is afraid of water to always have to be drenched/dipped/drowned while playing a part.

He’s definitely been thrown in at the deep end more than once, but he’s been good about diving right into a part and has made waves with all of the parts he’s committed to.

I was thinking of making things a tad better for poor Thorin who no doubt did not find a particular scene a barren of laughs, so a few ideas were floating through my mind and this is what I came up with:

Thorin dwarf barrel swimming

Just look at our water baby, all snug, comfy and protected in full Thorin get up!

Better, right?

I’ll dress you up in my love Richard, and other Halloween costume ideas!

I’m continuing Halloween Week here at IWantToBeAPinUp, and the last post is scheduled for tomorrow.

Today I though I’d give Richard a hand and suggest some Halloween costume ideas, just in case he’s heading our for a party tomorrow (and I’m not even going to moan that he’s not taking me with him…).

First up, a Halloween classic:

Richard Armitage Halloween dracula

Let me just go on the record as stating that Richard can suck on my neck any time, and it doesn’t actually only have to be the neck for that matter…

If Halloween terrors are not your thing, here is a nod towards The Vicar of Dibley.

I though Richard could go dressed as the Dibley Easter Bunny.

*avoiding filthy “Hey, that’s a big carrot you got there Bunny Richard” jokes*

Richard Armitage halloween costume bunny

How about a mind mess: the guy who plays Thorin dressing up as Thorin?

Better than the original costume, me thinks…

Thorin halloween costume Richard Armitage

Last but not least, if this can’t be Richard’s Halloween costume, can it at least be his jammies?

Howdy to you partner!

Richard Armitage Toy Story Halloween costume

*again, I shall refrain from any Woody jokes, but those pants leave little to the imagination…*

Happy Halloween!


Stereotype Sunday: Waving the Polish Flag or Kocham Cię Rysiek!

Europe According to Germany

I missed Stereotype Sunday last week because of college, but I’m back with a moan roar this week.

I don’t want to be accused of dishing it out but not being able to take it, so today I’m tackling my mother land Poland.

It’s a difficult task for a number of reasons:

I don’t have the outsider perspective that allows me to pick out the most characteristic features of my country.

I’m not sure how characteristic we are in general.

Nevertheless, I googled the top stereotypes connected to Poland and this is what I came up with:

The top thing associated with my country is kiełbasa (btw, it’s pronounced kiew (like window)basa not kielbasa).

Vodka is also popular, as is Chopin ( who is NOT French, thanks very much), and we’re generally know for our love of football, although less said about our national team the better 😉

Many people still think we’re in the midst of communism, and that we’re also seen as religious zealots.

BTW, have you noticed that Polish RA fans refer to him as Rysiek?

It’s a short for Ryszard (pronounced ryshard).

Anyway, this is Rysiek stereotyping my country :

Football, kiełbasa, vodka…

Polad Richard Armitage

And here’s something from the Tatry Mountains, our góral, meaning mountain folk:

Richard Armitage Góral

As well as their arch enemies Krakowiaki:

Richard Armitage Krakowiak Chopin

And last but not least, the most recognisable Pole, Ryszard Wałęsa:

Richard Armitage Lech Wałęsa

All together now: Kocham Cię Rysiek!!!

Can I please now go back to stereotypes of other countries?