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Category Archives: RArmy

AgzyM does London or Ramblings of a textbook fat, white, middle-aged RA Fan

This is a mammoth of a post, but I didn’t want to chop it up, but it definitely wins the award for most words AgzyM has ever tried to squeeze in at one time.

I make no apologies for the rambling nature of this post and understand completely if you skim it and get to the good stuff (meaning RA pics).

For that purpose I have separated the post into parts so you can just omit the sections that are yawn-inducing to you.

I just wanted to save as many thoughts on my stay in London in one place, therefore it’s quite emotionally masturbatory in it’s nature 😉

I will also be focusing on the Armitage angle of the play which certainly DOES NOT mean that the other cast members were not phenomenal, especially the female leads.

If you follow me on Twitter (@AgzyM) you’ll have probably seen most of the pics before.

Obviously, any pictures from the play itself are not my own.

EDIT: The title of this post is a tongue-in-cheek nod to the reviewer who had described RA fans as fat, middle-aged white women.

Although I don’t necessarily feel I subscribe to that idea, nor do I agree that there is a common denominator for all RA fans other than admiring Richard Armitage, if that’s the way some people wish to describe me/us and being a proud Armitage admirer, so be it 🙂

The Crucible Collage

I’ve been back from London for a couple of days now, nursing my feet back to health after walking thousands of miles, trying to sift through (and wrap my brain around) all the wonderful experiences I’ve been fortunate to accumulate.


As many of you may know in April I was lucky enough to receive tickets for 2 consecutive performances of The Crucible at The Old Vic for my Name’s Day (see, it’s good to be Polish sometimes…).

Well actually I was asked what I’d like to get this year, I said I really can’t afford to see Richard on stage, but I really can’t afford not to and my family rallied around me to make it happen.

Because I was arranging the tickets pretty early on, I had my pick of seating and I must admit I chose pretty bloody well…but more about that later.


I flew in to London on the 6th early morning so had the whole Sunday free from any Armitage onslaught, but I did decide to check out The Old Vic (as any good soldier preparing for battle would) and my commute to and from the venue.

I had scheduled to do my shopping that day (didn’t buy anything from my list), then made my obligatory visit to the National Portrait Gallery and slowly crossed the Thames and walked to Waterloo Station.


Dunno about you, but I wouldn’t mind all cities being adorned by RA images (so if you’re a politician make it happen if you want my vote…).


The mind boggles how many people have actually touched, fondles and licked these posters, just to be on the safe side I restrained myself and only snapped away at them 😉


I have to admit I did not encounter any Crucible posters around London, so seeing them proudly displayed around the theatre made my heart (and other parts of me…) swell.

We had stayed at a hotel just down the road from The Old Vic in December 2012 when we flew in to see The Hobbit: AUJ and every time we passed it I’d lose my fangirling shizz because it is the place of The 24-hour Play Richard had taken part in a few years prior (I’d also go all gooey when passing the Dorchester too, so I’m quite an embarrassment to be seen in public with ).

It was a mind trip to know I would actually be seeing the man himself in the flesh in the same place a year and a half later (see kids, dreams do come true!).

While I was checking out The Vic I also made a mental note of the stage door which looks harmless and innocent by daylight, but let me tell you the mood changes somewhat once Richard steps out of the door 😉

Also, don’t you feel a tad jealous of that parking meter that gets to check out Richard 6 times a week, usually the back of him?


Anyway, the following day I planned my museum/art gallery schedule so I could swing by the Vic to pick up my tickets earlier, so I first headed to Tate Modern for the Matisse Cut Out exhibition (which I highly recommend), then walked to The Cut.

I felt like a lucky bugger as I picked up my tickets, especially seeing that since the plan had been forged I was on the lookout for some catastrophe that would see everything go up in smoke- lost reservations, delayed/cancelled flights, understudy performing on the night etc.

I had become so superstitious in the days months leading up to my London trip I dared not do anything to mess up my juju.

When I got this baby in my grubby hands I didn’t want to let go… but then I did out of fear that my sweaty hands would smudge the ink 😉


As the nice lady was handing me my ticket, she told me that they were only just printing the Tuesday ones and they were on the letter “J” so I’d have to come back later to collect it.

Now, the ticket clearly asks you to make sure all the info is correct and everything is in order before you leave, which is easier said than done when you hold this precious in your grasp.

Long story short, turned out later that my Tuesday ticket had been printed out automatically and was attached to the other.

Oooppss, must pay closer attention in future…

Anyway, there I was thinking:

Willy Wonka, eat your heart out! I’ve got my golden tickets right here!


 I proceeded to going down my exhibitions list for the day (Human Factor at the Hayward Gallery, you can give it a miss, Victoria & Albert Museum, which has a very interesting history of fashion display and my absolute favorite- Banksy The Unauthorised Retrospective at Sotheby’s which I highly recommend).


I was to meet a fellow RA Admirer at the Pit Bar in the theatre before the play, so I took no chances of being late and headed that way around 6pm.

I ordered a glass of Merlot (hell, I was celebrating, right?!? although, in hindsight, a mixture of fangirl excitement, Richard Armitage and booze maybe wasn’t the smartest) and waited for Ms H, her daughter and a friend.

Unfortunately, as the crowds descended we missed each other and didn’t end up meeting until we were seated inside the theatre.

Let me just say that I truly regret not spending more time as Ms H is the type of person I could probably chat for 6 hours with without even making a dent in the topics we could cover.

I was extremely lucky to get an absolutely beautiful seat, first row, smack in the middle.

vic seats1

The play started at 7.30 sharp, with the fog machine switched on and lights dimmed.

The stage (which isn’t a stage at all, just a large opening in the middle between seats) consisted of nothing but wooden chairs.

As the actors entered from the aisle opposite me, I was straining my eyes to see the bearded beauty.

He was one of the last members of cast to enter, but there was no mistaking that silhouette in the fog, I have after all spent a few hours of my life (Ok, maybe a bit more than a few…) paying close attention to images of Richard, so I felt quite well versed 😉


I’m not going to offer a play review, I feel there are many who can do the job much better than I, but I can in turn offer some random thoughts.

The man is HUGE on stage!

It’s like he takes up most of the space and towers over everyone, exuding a force that you can’t help but be both drawn to and frightened of.

Everything from his costume (a heavy coat with patched holes, very sexy boots and unfortunately baggy pants, then he strips to pants and a loose shirt) to his voice (which wasn’t as deep as I thought it would be for the first part of the play, which was probably due to some throat issues he had apparently been experiencing) screams strength.

Richard Armitage in The Crucible at the Old Vic

If ever there was a part suited for Armitage post Thorin, John Proctor is it.

What I found interesting was catching small glimpses of other RA characters in his performance.

The accent brought to mind John Standring, some scowls were very John Thornton and Thorin.

It was like tiny visits from old friends and I was joking that it’d make a great drinking game: a shot of vodka every time an RA character would pop up.

Let’s just say I’d leave the theatre well and truly sloshed 😉


BTW, I am in no way alluding that Proctor is anything but a well thought through independent Armitage character, it’s just when you’ve spent so much time watching various RA roles and certain mannerisms tend to creep up, a fan can’t help but notice.

Truth be told, because I was sitting in the first row with no barriers between me and the actors (seriously, I had to watch my feet so the cast wouldn’t step on them), it took a while for my brain to process that I’m actually not watching this on TV or on my laptop, that this was really happening then and there, mere meters from me.

The benefit of first row seats, especially the one I was parked in, is that you are less than a meter away from some of the most beautiful and powerful Proctor moments.

richard crucible beautiful proctor

As much as I was swept away by the story, I couldn’t help but register certain…hmmm… shall we say physical traits of Mr A…

Chest- very hairy, more so than I had ever imagined.

Actually, the biggest surprise for me was just how huge he was in the chest and especially the shoulders.

Somehow, apart from buff Porter, I hadn’t imagined that would be the case (but you learn something new everyday).

Let’s just say I wasn’t the only one who thought those shoulders and back would be a perfect place to press your head to 😉

The stomach is flat as a board with an adorable roll of skin when he leans over (don’t judge me, he was kneeling two meters away, what else was I supposed to look at???).

I was also enchanted by how his middle finger are almost the same length as their neighbours, but that’s a quirk of mine 😉

the crucible

Anyway, I was quite choked up by the time the actors were taking their bows and couldn’t help but leap up from my seat clapping as Richard stayed behind to take his final bows.

He has this adorable habit (as he repeated it the following night) of bowing one way, turning around and bowing the other and then he does this funny thing with his hands as he takes a bow towards the two sides.

Very thespian of you, Mr A (actually I typed it My A, but went back to correct it as, well, I should be so lucky…).


Ms H had already pointed the best exit that would lead me straight to the stage door and into the queue, so I dashed out of my seat to procure my place.

If you’re wondering, it’s the exit to the left closest to the stage 😉

Much has been said of the stage door experience in the past week or so, so let me share with you my thoughts.


Firstly, it’s orderly and well behaved which is a bloody blessing, but it’s also quite a stressful experience.

We waited about 15 minutes before Richard came out, flagged by two Old Vic security men.

Please keep in mind that the man had just spent almost 4 hours performing in a very challenging play and the queue went all the way down the street, so that no doubt impacts the interaction Richard has with the people waiting.

It’s extremely rushed and I think RA makes his way down the line in under 20 minutes, which tells you plenty about the tempo.

On top of that, on Monday there were at least 2 groups of autograph hunters (one were standing right behind me, that’s how I know who they were), so I would imagine that puts a damper on the experience.


The best advice I can offer anyone who’s planning on going is: BE PREPARED and TAKE A PIC FIRST.

I’ve heard of someone who pressed the off button on their camera instead of taking a pic, I took a rather disturbing selfie of Richard although I have no idea how to (believe me, that picture is a catastrophe!).

From what I’ve observed and, unfortunately, experienced, the moment Richard signs your poster/program he moves on to the next person.

It goes by so unbelievably fast that I before could even ask for a pic, he was gone.

Picture first, then an autograph!

Numerous people (me included) had to join the back of the queue again which makes me wonder that if the tempo wasn’t so severe the stage door would actually go much faster in the long run if he’d slow down a tad.

My one huge regret was that neither I nor anyone within earshot actually had the time to congratulate Richard or thank him for being…well, him!

In some regards I feel like we were there in line asking yet more of him after experiencing that brilliant performance without offering as much as a Thank You, but to say that the environment wasn’t conducive to any form of verbal exchange is a staggering understatement.

The chances are, had I started speaking not only would I have not got Richard’s attention anyway, but I wouldn’t have an autograph or pic either.

As to more Richard details, he doesn’t come off quite as huge as he does on stage, but definitely not gaunt.

He was wearing a checkered red and white shirt and a jacket which made him look rather smart.


The only crack in his clear focus to sign/take pictures/move on came when he encountered the autograph hunters behind me.

As I was waiting for Richard I actually thought they seemed a bit out of place- young men dressed very casually, but figured they may be Tolkien fans drawn to the play by the allure of Thorin.

It seems Richard is much more savvy than little ol’ naive me.

He took one look at them as they clutch the 8×10 glossy pics of Richard, gave them a sideways glance (which was quite sexy), gave them a smirk (also sexy…) and said: I’m not signing that! and moved on.

I think this image is the one that’s lodged in my memory the most from the stage door experience- firstly because I felt it was the only time Richard had broken from the “fan interaction” persona but also because it made me realise what issues he has to deal with now that his career has entered yet another stage.

Oh, and I’d be pissed off too if someone was trying to make a quick buck off me.

Actually, as a fan who had flown in to see the play against many odds and for whom meeting Richard was a dream come true, I was/am pissed off of people trying to take advantage!

May this be a lesson to all of those who are tempted to buy an RA autograph on ebay, they aren’t really obtained in the best manner and having Richard sign something right next to you is much more valuable.

Anyway, the tally from my Monday Crucible experience was meeting the adorable Ms H, seeing a bloody great play, one signed poster, one very bad Richard and I selfie.


I had arranged to meet Ms Sally_Boots on Tuesday afternoon, so I had enough time to pop into The National Gallery to pay a traditional visit to Holbein’s The Ambassadors and all the other brilliant art on display, while (traditionally) avoiding the Medieval Art rooms (what can I say, not my cup of tea…).

The plan for that afternoon was to meet close to The Old Vic, grab a bite to eat, maybe get lucky and see Richard on his way to the theatre (long story short, we failed on all accounts and ended up having a quick Sainsbury’s sandwich standing in the rain next to an RA Crucible poster, we’re classy that way…).

It was a pleasure to meet Sally_Boots, you may recognise her from Twitter and she had written a few posts on this blog for Fanstra4.

I knew she’d be lovely and she didn’t disappoint 🙂

As we were waiting, we spotted a familiar face scoping out The Old Vic.

london 1

We recognised the Anglophile lady with her family walking around and, I can’t lie, we were more than a little jealous, convinced she was probably there to interview Richard.

As I’m not what you would call shy, as we passed I asked her whether she was the Anglophile lady (yup, it was a rhetorical question).

Turns out Marlise was incredibly friendly and we stood there chatting away while I was discreetly checking out her hair (which is gorgeous by the way).

We had ourselves a good ol’ chinwag about Richard (who else?) and I can confirm that Marlise is one of us- a proud Armitage Admirer excited about seeing the play the following night.

vic seats 2

After downing a bag of salt and vinegar crisps,bought the obligatory posters (trust me, you can’t choose just one out of the three available) it was time to go to Salem.

As we were taking our seats I was curious what it would be like to see the play from a different angle.

The picture of The Old Vic seating isn’t very accurate- there’s no stage per se and there’s an aisle running down the centre on the other side, which meant the actors would enter and exit right next to me.

My seat was a mirror reflection of the one from the night before and I was wondering whether the actors/play favoured any side in particular (nope, both sides are brilliant in their own way).


I actually have a confession to make.

As I was booking my tickets in April in somewhat of a fevered state (I’m a fangirl damn it, I cannot keep calm!), I knew I had booked a fab ticket for Monday but thought I had screwed up with Tuesday’s seat.

I was sure I had accidentally booked a balcony seat and had spent a good 2 months secretly tormenting myself that with my pick of seats I had chosen such a bad one.

Turns out all of the online plans I had checked out were from The Old Vic prior to the removal of the official stage, therefore creating “the circle” and the addition of seats from the back.

When I realised that all was well I felt so much relief, but it’s a lesson learned that I need to focus more even where Richard Armitage is concerned.


By the way, the Lilian Baylis Circle was so high up it gave me vertigo just looking at it, so bear that in mind when booking tickets.

Talking about seating, Sally_Boots was in for a shock as she could have sworn she purchase a first row seat to the side, but it turned out there were actually two or three rows in front of her.

A quick online research confirms that they did end up adding a few rows on both sides, no doubt figuring that they didn’t need the side space for the play, so they plonked a few more rows there.

Brilliant if you were lucky to buy tickets late and scored first row, not so brilliant if you bought first row months beforehand only to be shoved back.

As the fogs distended and the play started, this time around I was much more savvy as I knew what to expect, where RA would pop out from, when to tuck my feet in so they wouldn’t be trampled etc.


Anyway, I was so thrilled to see that play from a different angle.

If you have front seats you will at some point have your view blocked by an actor, so anything I may have missed the first time around, I more than made up for the second.


I was particularly intrigued by the now famous shirtless washing scene (don’t you dare judge me!).

On Monday I got a full frontal view from a few meters away, on Tuesday I got to see it from the back, and let me tell you, that is my favorite angle 😉

I felt the play had gone even smoother this time and Richard’s voice was much stronger which makes me think he’d been doing his best drinking tea with lemon and honey to sooth his throat from all the yelling (and much yelling there is, believe me, I’ve developed a new fetish for it!).

Having seen the play twice I marvel at the fitness level of the actors.

This is an incredibly demanding play, beautifully choreographed and I image they go home each night with fresh new bumps and bruises.


As I failed at obtaining a decent pic with Richard the night before, I vowed to do better this time around.

I was standing in line at the stage door with Ms Sally_Boots and we were joined by Ms Nina, a resident of London who sometimes comes to the stage door to meet other RA Admirers and always gives Richard an adorable card 🙂

Without going into too much detail, this was also the night of the now infamous “Richard is so rude but I’ll post a picture with him and me grinning like a maniac” lady.

Let me just say, she was not there for the play that night, nor is she an RA fan.

She was there with a specific aim (which she didn’t achieve) and I’m much annoyed to learn she’s the one who interrupted my pic with Richard and the reason it came out blurry.

A plague on both your houses madam, that wasn’t cool!

The stage door was just as hectic, but after experiencing non-RA fans with an agenda clearly other than to have the pleasure of meeting Richard, I’m a little less surprised at the rushed attitude he adopts.

Long story short, I didn’t get my perfect pic, but what I did get makes me exceedingly happy and grateful.

One pic came out fuzzy, but my grin says it all…


Here’s the other:

AgzyM Richard

A huge thank you to both Sally_Boots and Nina for trying to make my dream of a good picture of Richard and I come true!

I very much appreciate it ladies 🙂

Tally of Tuesday: Meeting Sally_Boots and Nina, two wonderful Armitage Admirers, getting to see the play from a different perspective, a signed Crucible program, and, f*cking hell, actually seeing Richard Armitage in the flesh!

Not bad for a quick visit to London, right?

All in all, this trip was one of the best moments for me, hands down.

Given half the chance (or if/when I win the lottery) I’d do it all over again with relish.

I enjoyed meeting fellow Armitage Admirers who are even nicer in person, the play is quite possibly one of the best I’ve ever seen (don’t get me started, we’ll be here all night), I came so close to the object of my fangirling affections (and didn’t lose my rag, which is important).

I feel very fortunate (the agnostic in me doesn’t want to say “blessed”) to have accumulated so many fab experiences and, subsequently, memories that shall last me a lifetime.

My dad picked me up from the airport and as I tried to put into words all that I had experienced he said something that made me teary: Seeing how much you enjoyed yourself and how you took advantage of this opportunity, that trip to London was worth every penny!

Ahhhh…. thanks dad 🙂

I know that many would love to have the chance to go on this adventure and let me add insult to injury by saying that this is really worth begging, borrowing (NOT stealing though!) for.

I’m keeping my fingers crossed for everyone who’s still trying to figure out how the heck to get themselves to The Old Vic- stranger things can happen, or have happened if my adventure is anything to go by 😉

On doing some Crucibling* with Armitage in July! (*not a real word)

Armitage The Crucible

Wow! Is this a hot time to be an Armitage Admirer or what!

I must admit I’ve been keeping a lukewarm finger on the RA pulse as I focus my attention on RL stuff, but good friends have kept me in the loop and made sure I knew the basic comings and goings, for which I am grateful.

After a period of “what the hell’s up Armitage?” and me moaning constantly that I demand good news,  it seems Richard has got his funky booty into gear and is spoiling us rotten!

Talk about watching a kettle boil, if only I had known it’d start raining Armitage projects the moment I step away for a while, I would have taken my sabbatical sooner 😉

What a time to be an Armitage Admirer and what a wonderful surprise at the Old Vic!

I hardly dared to dream Richard would sign up for a play in London (would have bet all my money on New York… and lost…).


The fact that it’s at the Old Vic makes it extra special.

When I flew in to London in December 2012 to see The Hobbit: AUJ we stayed at a hotel just down the street from the theatre.

Each time we passed I’d have the sudden impulse to drop on all fours and search the ground for imprints left by Armitage footsteps walk around the entrance breathing in the air, knowing it was where Richard had taken part in The 24 Hours Play.

Here I am, over a year later with my very own Willy Wonka winning tickets 🙂

The fact that it’s a Arthur Miller play is just icing on the AgzyM cake.

I have a thing for both Miller and the McCarthy period, so I plan on researching the heck out of the material, especially seeing as I probably won’t be coherent enough to actually go beyond the “OMG, that’s Richard Armitage standing there!” mode during the performance.

Although the announcement that Armitage had signed up for the project couldn’t have come at a more inconvenient time (seriously, a heads-up, Richard!) and technically, I couldn’t afford to go, the fangirl inside of me was screaming that I could afford not to go!

So, after calculating, deliberating, concocting cunning plans that would make  Wile. E Coyote green with envy, and trying to explain to my nearest and dearest that missing out was not an option for this fangirl, here I am with tickets for the 7th and 8th of July.


BTW, if you’re going to the play on the same dates and would like to go for a celebratory drink or even just a Hello fellow Richardette! and a quick “our boy did good!” hug , please let me know, either in comments or via email at iwanttobeapinup [at ] 🙂

I know of at least one RA fellow admirer *waves at H* who shall be there and I bet that anyone you ask seated in the first 2 rows will either be a fellow “well-wisher” or is accompanying someone who is!

I presume I’ll be boring the heck out of everyone here till July on the topic of The Crucible, but I’ve also been thinking much about fans who see their favorite actor in a theatre (a first for me) and the less than stellar behavior exhibited by die-hard fans during both Hiddleston and Cumberbatch’s performances which apparently ruined it for others.

Let’s leave all that for another day.

Today, I shall bask in the glory of Richard at the Old Vic 😉

PS. Hands up who needed to google what “crucible” meant… yup, me too!

See, we’re getting an education while admiring Richard!

Don’t know about you, but I wouldn’t mind a Pina Colada…


Hey there, could you use a good holiday?

Well, pack your string bikini, suntan lotion, Pocket Shrine® and get ready to board the Armitage Airways.


You liked Pina Coladas

and getting caught in the rain
And the feel of the ocean

and the taste of the champagne
If you like making love at midnight in the dunes on the cape
You’re the lady I’ve looked for, come with me and escape…

pina colada Richard armitage1

Unfortunately, I’m not going on an exotic holiday, but I have some exciting new RL stuff going on (not to mention the not so exciting end-of-semester yawn fest ) and I need to focus my energies on doing everything to the best of my abilities.

I know, it’s always a bummer when making a living/having a life infringes on my Armitage admiration time, but what’s a gal to do?

I’ve scheduled a few “favorite pictures” posts to litter the blog while I’m away.

Be good to one another, keep on Richarding and I’ll be back in no time 😉

Feeling Crafty: Armitage Army Steampunk Card

Armitage Army card 2

I was feeling crafty today.

OK, not enough to actually finish the projects I had abandoned, but I needed something quick, easy and fun.

A while back I had come across this post at Epbot which involved metal tape (aluminum foil tape to be precise), black acrylic paint and plenty of beating and bashing.

Steampunk-licious? Sign me up!

Every so often I send out a card to my fellow Armitage Admirer as way of thanks for something tasty I received from them, but I always struggle to come up with a funky design, or I’m out of cardboard to print it on and so on, so I needed a fun card that was quick to make and purdy 😉


The biggest challenge was to find that aluminum foil tape.

After checking out some hardware shops (I know, it was scary…) it turned out that it’s used for fireplace isolation stuff, so you should find it in that section.

I also bought “drywall seam tape” which is a fancy name for adhesive mesh thingy and some foam letter stickers so I could lovingly create the “Armitage Army” sign.


Once I stuck the letters on, I started adding the seam tape and then covered the whole area with the aluminum tape.

The process was OK, word of advice though:

I felt the letters I had used were a bit too small, therefore when I started to push the tape down to make them more visible the tape punctured in a few places.

Maybe had they been a bit bigger, it would have been easier to really get into all the nooks and crannies and they would have been clearer (“m” was particularly challenging…).

I also think you should avoid having tape seams on the letters.

 Armitage Army card

Having said that, the black acrylic paint luckily covered any rips and I did make my card plenty grimy!

I should add that I wasn’t using any professional tools, I was free-styling with the rivet holes and such, so maybe if I had a clay tool, it would have been easier.

Anyway, now I’m thinking about what else I could do:

cards? notebook covers? an image to stick in a frame and hang on the wall?

Have a wonderful day 🙂

Armitage Weekly Round-Up Week 6

armitage 6

Welcome to week 6 of the Armitage Weekly Round-Up.

As always the list is by no means exhaustive so please leave links in comments to posts you found interesting and I did not include.

Arkenstone proves that the pen is mightier than the sword (sorry Guy) and has compiled the hottest fanfiction offerings of the week.

Guylty put aside Valentine’s issues long enough to compile a list of what Tumblr so lovingly provided.

It might not have been the best week for many of us (please remember that there are people you can talk to), but thanks to a good Armitage cheer even the most gloomy of days become brighter.


Case in point, Guylty is going full (luv) steam ahead with the RAworld Secret Valentine!

I’m super excited about it, especially that I can’t remember blogs ever collectively celebrating Valentine’s Day and yet we spend the rest of the year sharing our Armitage luvvv!

If you haven’t signed up but have had a change of heart and would like to participate, I’m sure Guylty wouldn’t turn you away, so come join us!

Talking about a little love:


Time Square? More like Smooch Square!

And on the topic feelings, we are still spReAding the love!


RA/Hobbit/OT posts:

Fedoralady relies on an old friend to keep her warm

Talking on Gizzy, he can give a jumper a beating, right?

Sometimes a gal just has to take a step back (but hopefully will come back soon)

Not sure about Captain America without the dashing geeky Heinz Kruger…

Guy of Gisborne counts down the days

Swooning Maruca on being a bunch short of a fruit basket for your online crush

Moody Thorin has finally reached his final destination and is guarding a very special place of fangirl worship

Not good when it says strapping and you accidentally read it as strap-on…

And the award to the thief of my heart goes to…. Oh, and the Anglophile thingy too

Kelbel75 is still on her Alphabet Movie challenge and she visits the Dales and uncovers some hidden treasures


Thank You for traveling with Armitage Airways!

I’m tempted to pack my bags and go live in a hole

Dream a little dream of Richard (and what could be better…)

OT: KatherineD recs the best Aussie show TV has to offer

I can’t help hearting that sassy elf!

Welcome to the world of blogging, Girl who stumbled over Richard!

I guess that’s a no to Armitage, Richard Armitage!

Malice Aforethought dodgy mustache coming right up…

…with a side-dish of Richard booty!

OMG Obscura, that just gave me feels

OT: Nothing wrong with a bit of Tom on the side!

For those who know “period drama” doesn’t refer to PMS!


Golden Oldies:

This post on (alleged) clothes swapping between Thraduil Lee and Thorin Richard reminded me how much I love to read posts about celebs and their fashion choices.


One of the most interesting blogs that specializes in nitpicking Richard’s attire is Jonia’s RA Vogue and Style!

(photos open OK in explorer but not in firefox for some reason…)

Jonia digs deep and takes one for the team to stare at Armitage pictures and try to determine what clothes he’s wearing.

I hope there’s plenty more to come, so continue digging Jonia 🙂

I hope you enjoyed week 6 and I’ll see you next week for another round-up!

That’s a No No, Richard!


A quick question for you today:

What would Richard have to do to make you go off him?

I remember the uproar when info spread that Richard was/is a smoker, not to mention the cat/dog person storm of 2013.

I’m eliminating any illegal activities for obvious reasons and asking about your specific pet peeves.

Here are mine:

A hairy back

No, just no.

There’s absolutely no excuse to have enough fuzz back there to knit your own sweater!

A foot fetish

Every time I see a picture of Quentin Tarantino (although I admire him as a filmmaker), my initial impulse is hide my feet under my bum, point my finger at him and yell No! Quentin, you’re not getting your grubby hands on my toes…

Feet are meant to hold up cute shoes and to get me from point A to B. The end.

Nail biting

Nice long fingers can catapult your thoughts to images of pleasure, but nails gnawed down to the cuticles make me shudder (no delight involved!).

I want piano-worthy fingers, not a piano has fallen on my fingers…

Lucky or unlucky, depending on how you look at it, for you Mr A, you don’t seem to posses any of the features that I would consider a deal-breaker, so I’ll just go on my merry fangirling way 😉

What are your fangirl/admirer/well-wisher deal-breakers?

Pop the champagne, it’s my Blogiversary (for real this time…)

Today (well, technically it was Friday…) marks my 2nd Blogiversary and I intend to celebrate till my fingers turn pruney!

Who knew I’d last this long, 2 weeks would have been pushing it…

2nd blogiversary

I always say that blogging is counted in either dog or Hollywood marriage years so in human terms I’ve been at it for about 14 years and it feel that way at times.

I stated out as an RA blog lurker in the summer of 2011, this blog which followed in January 2012,  was intended as a place where I’d gather materials I find on the net that could come in handy for my MA thesis in Fashion.


Fast-forward 2 years later and here I am blogging almost exclusively about Richard with an MA degree in Fandoms and Fanfiction…

This fangirling will take over your life if you’re not careful, but then I guess we wouldn’t want it any other way!

My blogiversary coincides with the annual round-up created my WP, so here’s I Want to be a Pin Up in 2013:

For the longest time I felt like the new Pin Up on the block, now it’s more like a goldfish in an Armitage pond 😉


Thank you so much for supporting my blog, I really appreciate it!

Some time spring it will hit the 500,000 clicks mark which it truly overwhelming and humbling.

Thank you for coming here for a giggle, for engaging and contributing with your comments.

I always say I seem to have the nicest, wittiest and possibly craziest readers and I couldn’t want it any other way.


I bet there are a few lurkers that fit that description well too and hopefully we get a chance to become familiar by my 3rd blogiversary.

I hope to meet up with a few other RA enthusiasts this December in London, fingers crossed.

It would be wonderful to watch Richard strolling the red carpet one last time to support the role of Thorin surrounded by my peeps.


I raise my glass to you Dear Friends, Na Zdrowie!

Armitage Weekly Round-Up Week 2

Armitage 2

Here’s another weekly round-up of Richard Armitage/Hobbit/OT posts that caught my eye this week.

Thank you for stopping by last week, you can check out Week 1 here.Arky weekly round-up week 2

Arkie has been keeping an eye out for fanfiction that may interest you, so check it out.

What a perfect way to brave the cold, snuggled up with a good fanfic read.

guylty round-up tumblr week2

Guylty wanders the wild with interesting posts that have appeared on Tumblr.

It’s a tough job but someone has to do it!

As always, if there are posts that you’d like to recommend or I have overlooked, please post them in comments either here or at the other two blogs.

Spread the love 1 Richard Armitage

We are still very much spReAding the love!

There’s £200 to snag for Richard’s JustGiving charities and you can make that happen by having your act of kindness noted by the end of February!

RA Hobbit posts

Frenzy takes it back to fandom basics! She suggests we start with I Saw Something Fine… and here are further thoughts

Richard goes the extra mile crosses the street for fans

Don’t step on Richard’s blue suede shoes

Behind the scenes DOS footage, keep it coming please!

Jazz and the Headbanger’s Ball with Thorin

Jonia celebrates her blogiversary. Congrats!

Sometimes it’s easiest to express it with an RA character

Does Richard wear Spanx (what? it’s a valid question!)

Philippa Boyens fangirls (amongst other things)

I guess Richard and the cast are still not done with NZ

Airport pics bug me, but maybe mostly because I don’t see such beauty on landing… and a further thought…

On blabbing about Tolkien. Me? I blab on Tolkien, food, gossip and anything else in between…

How big is big enough to be a sex symbol? (and yes, I’m talking about what you think I’m talking about…)

Morrighansmuse looks at Obsessions of a fan girl

OT: Words that soothe and harm

Baby it’s cold outside, don’t forget your cardigan!

Polar Vortex Shmortex- Richard will keep you warm.

Confession is good for the soul, so we Armitagettes must be angels…

And we must be some strong angels because that level of majestic fabooshness can kill a gal…

Possibly the most important interview with a cast member of The Hobbit!

The cat with the best taste in men…

Age with pride like Thorin and show those grey streaks with pride!

Obscura actually manages to make the Olympic Games interesting

I still thing Smaug needs mouthwash

Zan’s back! Yay!


Jazz tells it like it is!

Richard’s new project? I hope he gets his thespian on!

Perry digs up more on the subject here and there’s more here from RAC.

Golden oldiesBccMee will forever be the queen of Armitage collective challenges and her whole blog is post after post of delicious goodies.

She’d encourage readers to suggest photos, quotes and such, and she’d whip up the most amazing graphics and fanvids.

Check out the fun Summertime fun challenge where she has two RA characters battle it out in the strangest categories.

I honesty struggle to recommend the BEST BccMee post, you should just start from the oldest post and make your way from there.


BccMee also creates  beautiful videos, like the one for Richard’s 41st B-day:

Check out the Tumblr Round-Up courtesy of Guylty and Arkie’s Fanfic Weekly Round-Up.

See you next week 🙂

What we leave behind, what we pass forward


I’ve been thinking a lot about change within our fandom, but then most of us have.

After two and a half years I’ve experienced a lot, people have come and gone but every now and again I get the ‘hey, I wonder whatever happened to so and so…’.

One of the first blogs I stumbled upon fuelled by my Thornton high was Befuddled Musings by Calexora.

I was mesmerised by her frank posts where she’d share not only her fangirling feelings towards Richard, but also the difficulties she faced as someone suffering from a chronic disease.

At the time I was very much a shy lurker and would never even dream of leaving a comment, but day in and day out I’d go back waiting and hoping for a new post.

By the time I had delurked Calxora had decided to focus all her energy on RL stuff and go on hiatus.

That’s hard enough on a devoted reader, but there were the old posts to fall back on, filled with insightful comments and humour.

  Calexora stopped posting, but I was particularly sad to see that she had completely deleted her blog about a year ago.

She wasn’t the first nor the last, but losing all those wonderful posts that she so lovingly created throughout her time as an RA blogger triggered something in me.

It made me think about the aspect of fandoms being the keepers of archives.

Every post, every comment, image, recording etc. documents our journey both as individuals and as a group that wouldn’t have existed prior to the availability of the internet.

We are the network society, the keepers of information that captures who we are now.

Much like the books of old, they preserve our journey as we mould our little group of friends.

On my part I have made a promise that when (and unfortunately there are no ifs about it) I’m ready to let go of the RA fandom and I’m done with this blog I shall leave it intact.

Even if I’m ready to move on, I’d like others who are travelling down this road to be able to access the info that I’ve gathered here, but more importantly what others have helped co-create by commenting etc.

On the off chance that you’ll ever read this Marie, you were a very important part of our Armitage community, you are missed and thank you for all the energy you put into blogging.

Although your posts are no longer available for other Armitage fans to read and enjoy (and that’s a real shame), at least their ghosts exist in the memories of those who were lucky enough to be regular readers 🙂

To those who have their finger on the delete button I urge you to reconsider.

Perhaps shut down comments, delete any personal info that you don’t want “out there”, but leave your posts as testaments to the journey you and fellow RA fans have taken, to the person you were and the community you were an active part of.


Talking about the fandom and contributing I absolutely love the idea behind Spreading the Love 2014 (read more here).

Get this:

An anonymous donor will donate £1 for each and every act of kindness “spReAd the love” mentioned here or here till the end of February 2014, up to a limit of £200!

This can mean a donation to charity, like Just Giving or an act of kindness, however you choose to interpret it!

I hope everyone will take a moment and think about what they can do to make sure the whole sum of £200 finds its way to those who need it and thank you anonymous donor for your generosity.

Great idea, great initiative!

Spread the love 1 Richard Armitage

What a difference an RA Letter makes or How the Bastard C did not steal Christmas

Christmas pattern

It was a frosty Friday morning, I was waiting for my morning meeting and sneaked a peek at Me+R to brighten up my mood.

The first post merely said:

New message

And I knew that a day that would potentially suck the joy out of me would be that tad bit better.

It was the day when we’d find out if The Bastard C that had been discovered in my mum’s belly had spread and done any damage.

Before I move on let me just light a few fireworks, pop a bottle of champagne  cheap bubbly wine and scream out with joy that although we have tough times ahead, we may just get away with merely surgery (as shitty as that is) and will be battling Bastard C on one front 🙂

Anyway, I quickly followed the link to Annette’s  page and there it was!

It’s true that you may not always get what you want (although I STILL maintain that Richard could theoretically fit under my tree wrapped in a nice big red bow), but the universe sure does gives us what we need.

The Message from Richard Armitage, 19th December 2013 resonated with me on so many levels!

Here are some parts that seemed particularly poignant to me:

I am very proud to have such   a dedicated community of ‘well wishers’ (better word than   fans…right?) Proud because of the dignity and decency with which you   communicate with each other and document your ideas. It’s always   illuminated with positivity and support for each other, unlikely   friendships forged through a common interest.

I couldn’t agree more and I’m not even going to go into detail how touched I always am at the thoughtfulness of my online friends and how kind-hearted and supportive they are!

I am proud that I have the opportunity to spend time and share thoughts and feelings with such a group of intelligent, educated, creative and generally kick-arse bunch!

We don’t always get along, but I strongly believe that everyone who wonders into the Land of Armitage Admirers will find exactly what they are looking for.

If it’s a release from everyday crap, or the need for friendship and companionship, a forum to dig deeper into who you are or some good old-fashioned fangirling, you’ll find it here.

Sadly, some feel the need to fuel their RL frustrations and come here looking for a fight, but I can only hope that they find peace.

The next part resonated with me too:

I wanted to wish you love and happiness for 2014, thank you for the   generous gifts and the donations to the ‘Just Giving’ pages I think our   totals are looking very healthy.

I didn’t have the opportunity to announce that all of the money raised during the Richard Armitage Silent Auction has been transferred to Just Giving.

RA Silent auction transfer

Although I was particularly involved with the auction, let’s not forget that it was one of many (MANY) donations made to Richard’s charities of choice throughout the year and just underlines that this fandom not only possesses a generosity of spirit but also digs deep in their pockets to support a worthy cause!

Christmas 2

Richard summed up my feelings towards Christmas this year perfectly:

I   want to say that for me especially as I get older, this time of year   becomes more about making the journey to be with family or friends and   sitting around a table which hopefully has some good food on it, however   bountiful that is.

With the prospect of very bad news looming over my family I knew that no matter what I had to do my absolute best to keep up the Christmas spirit.

It’s that much more challenging to celebrate a holiday when something bad happens and I can only be thankful that the news we got put a spring in our steps, but also refocused us.

That Friday evening we met up at my parent’s house and decorated the tree together for the first time in over 20 years.

My dad told my mother the wonderful news we got was better than any gift he could have found under the Christmas tree and he doesn’t want to anything else (yes, we all got teary-eyed).

Then he topped it up by going against our wishes and he single-handily put up the lights on the house.

When asked why he was being so stubborn and didn’t ask for help, but he said: I made a promise with myself that if the news is good I’ll put up the icicles! (again, he had us all teary-eyed).

Santa Richard Armitage

And to all my friends who are going through a difficult time:

But for those who don’t have very much or are alone,   I wish them at least a sense of peace for a day. I know that I am happiest when I can be useful, which usually involves giving time and  effort towards something. That gives me peace.

To those who have a difficult family situation, are alone or have suffered loss, I hope you know that you ARE NOT alone.

I hope that you find comfort any way you can, be it through RA stuff, or connecting with your friends online or popping on a trusty copy of The Vicar of Dibley DVD.

As Richard mentioned, I hope you too find peace in what you do, even if it’s in small things like making gravy!

christmas 3

And to Richard, the glue that keeps this whole community together, the person who gives us joy and inspiration, a huge thank you for connecting with your fans, for brightening our day (after day after day…), for giving us so many reasons to call ourselves the Armitage Army/Armitage Admirers/ well-wishers, or whatever form feels right to you!

I hope you have a wonderful Christmas with your family and friends and have a nice glass of grog/eggnog/red wine on us 🙂

Tomorrow I’ll be boring you posting about how we are celebrating Christmas this year and I’m sure I have a few “Richard in a Santa hat” PS images in me to knock out 🙂