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Category Archives: FanstRA 3

Get your FanstRA on!!!

FanstRA4 Come fanstRA


I feel like I wished this news into being as only this morning I emailed my darling Seba to suggest a cooperation if and when one of the best weeks to be an Armitage Admirer rolls around.

A few hours later Servetus gives news that FanstRAvaganza4  (FanstRA4) is going ahead this year, and it will be organised by Traxy from The Squeee .

If you are a blogger, and would like to take part (and who wouldn’t want to???), please fill out the form.

Please remember that not only bloggers and posts are needed, so be bold as a majestic dwarf ready to reclaim his gold and contribute in any way you can!

Think what YOU could do to make this event even hotter!

What would YOU like to share with fellow Armitage Admirers?

Let’s make this the BEST FanstRA EVER 🙂

Fanstra4 March 2013

Those of you who are new to the fandom may wonder what the heck a FanstRA is.

In short it’s an event that has in the past took place in March, that unites blogs from all corners of the globe, and results in a general tag team explosion of Richard Armitage goodness.

Think an RA orgy for each and every sense that will tickle you senseless…

This event celebrates the wonder that is Richard, but it’s also a time to celebrate our special fandom, for all of us to come together, and do some serious fangirling damage!

Last year’s event (and my first) was headed by Servetus, and she did an amazing job bringing this motley crew of overly enthusiastic dwarf-like bloggers together (you can check out FanstRA3 posts HERE).

Don’t let this perfect chance to celebrate with fellow Richardettes pass you by!

Wouldn’t you know it, it’s my 1st Blogiversary!

I was going to act cool on my 1st Blogiversary, casually mentioning it, thanking my readers, then moving on to bigger better things, but then  I decided HELL NO!

It’s my (blogging) party and I’ll celebrate if I want to!

Bear with me please as I put on a dodgy paper hat and blow up a few balloons!

I figured horns are made for hooting and good times are meant for celebrating 🙂

1st blogiversary

Well holy cow, how did I get here?

No, seriously, how the heck did this happen?

This blog started exactly a year ago with absolutely no clear direction.

It was supposed to be a place where I’d keep all the info I found interesting without clogging up my computer, as well as a quick writing practise before tackling my MA thesis.

In the first months I had told zero people about its existence, as there really wasn’t anything to say on the matter or to boast about.

I really didn’t know if it would be something I’d continue or most probably abandon after the first few weeks.

You must understand that exactly a year ago I was a lurking Armitage Admirer who had only left one comment throughout my entire 6 month craze, but more about that later on.

What I’m driving at is that starting out no one within the fandom had any idea who I was (some undoubtedly miss those good ol’ days…) nor did I seek the support of my RL friends to help push this thing forward, so in the first month of blogging I received a little over 20 clicks and I’ll be honest, I don’t know how I managed to get so many 🙂

Things have certainly changed, and with the amount of visitors dropping by I really do regret writing better, more interesting posts 🙂

 I’d like to thank each and every one of you for visiting, commenting, supporting and being an integral part of this experience.

I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again that without your presence here I’d just be a sad old (mad) cow posting for no one.

Hey, it worked in January but I think it would have lost its appeal by April…

Your friendship means almost as much to me as Lucas North’s bottom in tight denim jeans, and that really is saying a lot!

RichardArmitage Collage2

I’d also like to give special thanks to Servetus at Me+Richard, as she happens to be connected to many of my firsts!

She was the first blog I had visited after watching North and South, when certain Mr Thornton took possession of my heart and soul.

She’s the first blog I ever commented on some time in the autumn of 2011, under a different alias, and sweating buckets worried that I’d look foolish because of what I had written (being rejected by the RArmy was a big fear of mine back then, as everyone seemed so friendly with each other, and I doubted such a tight-knit group would accept me, let alone welcome me with open arms. You live, you learn!).

Servetus had written one of the first comments on this blog and I swear, I had been such a lurker/admirer over at Me+R it felt like a celebrity sighting 🙂

Anyway, how better to say a heartfelt Thank You! than a Richard Armitage thumb cupcake ( and yes I also think it may well be one of the most disturbing things I’ve seen in a while…).

Richard Armitage Thumb Cupcake Servetus Thank You!

Apart from search engines Servetus’ blog refers the most traffic to this site, followed by RAFrenzy!

Thank You for the support of other bloggers!

I adore being perched on your blogrolls, and I’m there in good company, so I’m grateful to you for sticking me there.

I’ll be updating my blogroll to include all of my blogging friends and fellow admirers, so please take a second to click on a few.

We all know how long it takes to write a single post, not to mention updating, checking comments, and in general keeping that machine running, so I can only applaud you for constantly providing new posts for Armitage Admirers worldwide!

Guy of Gisborne collage

Here’s my year in numbers:

I’ve written close to 450 posts in the past 12 months.

There are the good ones, the bad and the right darn ugly ones (sorry about those…).

A few months in I thought it would be the bees knees to get 100 000 clicks in the first year, but it seemed like a bit of a pipe dream.

Wouldn’t you know it, I’m just a couple of clicks shy of doubling that number and will be hitting 200 000 in the next few days, so THANK YOU!

Online traffic is a funny little thing as it often depends on where you’re placed in search engines.

That means that posts that aren’t really all that special seem to attract a huge amount of readers, while other are  popular for a few days after being published, and then go into (semi-) retirement.

Lucas Borth Collage

The posts that have attracted the most views are:

1. On Richard Armitage and Lee Pace

2. Marilyn Monroe and Plastic Surgery

3. DIY Pin-Up

See what I mean?

Anyway, I think the statistics will change in the next few weeks judging by the interest in Richard Armitage and all things The Hobbit.

Fanstra# collage

My favorite posts are:

Fanstravaganza3 was a blast and I absolutely loved taking part in it!

I also really enjoyed putting together all three of my Fanstra3 posts.

I loved punning it out doggy style, seeing Heinz Kruger in his tighty whities, and stripping Richard down just to dress him up again.

I really (REALLY!!!) hope Fanstra4 will happen, because there’s no better way to celebrate the wonder that is Armitage Admiration 🙂

I also enjoyed blogging in July and August (December being my most flaky month…) as I was on holiday and could spend hours fiddling with images, gifs and posts to my heart’s content.

Gisborne's Boy cake kopia

I especially liked the run-up to Armitage Day and  Operation Armitage.

I really do hope that we manage to have a Richard Armitage-rekated competition every year!

I’d like to take this opportunity to give a special Thank You! to my partner in crime Seba from Gisborne’s Boy  for sharing his amazing talent and helping me with the competition.

I hope we collaborate on many other projects in the future (and if you’re reading this Bug, I’m waiting on your email!).

PinUp Collage

The thing is, in the past year of blogging I’ve made many friends, and lost a few (some I’ve mourned, to others I can only say: Good riddance…)

I’ve expanded my horizons, but also tested my patience and understanding.

I’ve bitten my tongue and stepped away from a fight more time than I have in RL, and I think I’ve also been more generous with expressing my delight, enthusiasm, friendship.

I honestly think I’m a better version of my RL self, so if you don’t like me here, believe me, it doesn’t get any better out there 😉

I’ve gone beyond anything I would have though myself capable of, but I’ve also made a few mistakes, some I’ve learned from, others probably not.

I should really finish by thanking Richard for getting this whole project started, but what I’m really grateful for is that by being such a stand up sort of gentleman he seems to attract the absolute best type of admirer any fandom could wish for.

Are there crazy fans in the Armitage Army?


But I’d like to believe that we’re crazy in our own special, unique way 🙂

AgzyM 2012 collage

While I’m on the topic of AgzyM (move over Thorin, I’m all about Me Me Me! today), I’ve decided to retire the Dita photo I’ve been using as a visual representation of my online alter ego.

I’ve had such fun with that particular image, but I needed something new, so here it is:

AgzyM IWantToBeApinUp 2013

You know it’s only a matter of time before I stick a beard on this gravatar!

And here is the full body superhero version, because it seems like it’s going to be one of those years when you really need a cape:

AgzyM 2013 Boom

Thank You!

Dress and Undress Richard Armitage

Happy FanstRA 3!

We’re in Day Seven of the FanstRAvaganza 3 in The Freeform tagteam chain!

If you missed Day Six, check out the posts at White Rose: Sincere and Simple Thoughts and C.S. Winchester  and Something About Love (A)

Also in Day Two, see my partner’s post at Me, My Thoughts and Richard Armitage and La Loba

I hope you are having a wonderful week! I know I am!

There has been plenty of chatter about RA’s style and thorough analysis of his fashion choices.

We’ve had some hits and quite a few misses.

Some may say Richard is in dire need of a stylist!

I am giving you the chance to style and dress him yourself.

You can also undress him as often as you like…  🙂

I know our love for Richard is bursting at the seams.

Therefore, I present the Richard Armitage Paper Doll and a collection of outfits and accessories.

My designs were inspired by my favorite RA characters and although I’ve taken a little artistic liberty, I hope you enjoy them.

So get your scissors ready and let the fashion show begin!

This is your base.

 I recommend that you print him out on high density paper.

Let’s just say Paper Richard needs to be… stiff…

Below, you have an array of fashion styles.

All of them are designed for A4 paper and will fit Stiff Paper Richard.

I suggest you mix and match the different styles and elements.

Maybe a little Gizzy with a Porter scarf?

How about Thornton pants with a Thorin fur coat?

Just go crazy with it!

And if you feel you’d like to leave him in his tighty whities, that OK too.

Just remember to borrow a scarf from Harry, as it does get nippy in the evenings…


Let’s start with naughty Gizzy! Oh, he was never what he seamed…

Feel free to take Porter’s style, before starting each commando expedition, John is debriefed…

Celebrate the looming Hobbit premier with a little Thorin fashion…

Our beloved Spooks character may have been stitched up by the writers, but his tight jeans were always fitting…

In his ironed shirt and waistcoat, John Thornton had a lot of pressing matters to attend to…

Harry is handsome, smart and romantic.

I guess you could say he’s a triple thread…

And last, but not least!

As long as Richard is well rested, nothing else really mattress…

I hope you enjoy Paper Richard!

Make sure you check out my FanstRA 3  tagteam buddies, you will find details at the top.

The way I see it, it’s much better to read a post twice than to have never clicked on it at all!

Think of all the fun you might be missing, not to mention not being able to have your voice heard by commenting 🙂

You can find the whole list of bloggers and posts HERE!

Heinz Kruger in his Skivvies

Happy FanstRA 3!

We’re in Day Five of the FanstRAvaganza 3 in The Freeform tagteam chain!

If you missed Day Four, check out the posts at Gratiana Lovelace, Me, My Thoughts and Richard Armitage and Do I have a blog? .

Also in Day Two, see my partner’s post at thearmitageeffect and JT’s blog.

I was shocked to learn that Heinz Kruger from Captain America was among the least liked Richard Armitage characters!

Sure, there are the Nazi sympathies, bomb detonation, using children as shields in a crossfire etc. aspects to him, however we have forgiven various RA characters for worse crime (although, I admit, not by much).

I refuse to believe Heinz didn’t ignite our passion (get it? bomb? ignite? Oh, nevermind…).

I personally feel he has an undie-served reputation!

We have never really had the chance to see Heinz in a friendlier environment.

Perhaps with Kruger it’s the case of, as Harry Jasper Kennedy would say:

” stark, crisp exterior with the promise of softness beneath…”

That is why I invite you to take a peek beneath the rough exterior of the 40s suit, with its puffy bold shoulders and rough wool.

Let’s have a look at the softer, more domestic side to him.

I’ll try to be brief!

You may think that Heinz is so uptight because he had his skivvies in a gripping twist.

No such thing!

The ads of the WWII era stated:

 “Uncle Sam needs rubber so Jockey waistbands are no longer all-elastic.”

This would mean that during his stay in Brooklyn, New York, plotting and conniving, Heinz would be unable to purchase a nice, tight, stretchy pair of undies.

Those that he would buy would have a woven waistband and two side buttons.

Maybe Heinz was so evil because he just didn’t get the support he needed.

There is something sexy about suspenders, although perhaps not so much on men.

They guarantee a man’s socks stay up in all conditions.

Even while driving through a busy Brooklyn neighborhood circa 1942, shooting at innocent by-standers and being chased by Captain America, there would be no sign of a pasty calf.

He may have unsuccessfully tried to escape in a weird submarine thingy and bitten through a cyanide pill, inevitably resulting in death, but I bet his socks did not roll down.

I guarantee they stayed up

Now, that’s what I call fashion elegance!

So next time you are quick to judge poor misunderstood Heinz, remember!

He too had a home, a private life and he too changed his undies daily!

For more of The Freeform chain in FanstRA 3, see my partner’s post at thearmitageeffect and JT’s blog

Yesterday’s posts are at Gratiana Lovelace, Me, My Thoughts and Richard Armitage and Do I have a blog? .

Tomorrow, The Freeform tagteam continues at White Rose: Sincere and Simple Thoughts, Something About Love (A) and C.S. Winchester.

All F3 links can be found here

Day 4 of FanstRAvaganza!

I’m having a wonderful time visiting all the exciting blogs.

I must however admit FanstRA 3  has thrown my sleep pattern off balance. Because the posts appear at 00:01 GMT, this means that I have to set my alarm clock, wake up in the middle of the night, read, post comments and nod off again.

But it really is worth it!

I’m posting today only to guide any lost souls that may have lost their way.

Remember that if you aren’t sure where to go in the FanstRA 3 chains, visit our 10 lovely anchor bloggers!

Go through all the 5 tagteam posts of the day and make sure you visit and give plenty of support to all the bloggers.

Links to all FanstRA 3 posts appear here at the end of each day.

Thank you to all those wonderful folks who have clicked and commented on my previous FanstRA post

I really appreciate it! No, Really!

My next FanstRA 3 post will be here for you tomorrow.

Yup eager beavers, at 00:01 GMT.

To give you a little clue as to what to expect tomorrow, let me just say this:

I will be uncovering one of the least liked RA characters and it’s going to get intimate 😉

I hate to leave you hanging till then, so… something spicy to heat up your day!

Image: RANet

It’s a Dog Eat Dog World, Richard Armitage

Happy FanstRA 3!

We’re in Day Three of the FanstRAvaganza 3 in The Freeform tagteam chain! If you missed Day Two, check out the posts at Melanie’s Musings, An Obsessed Fanatic and  Do I Have a Blog?

Also in Day Two, see my partner’s post at A is for Armitage  and Funky Blue Dandelion

It really is a Dog Eat Dog World, or as Britney Spears would say to her dogs: It’s Richard Armitage, b*tch!

As a dog lover, I can’t help but notice how much humans tend to resemble their dogs.

So with hardly a moments paws…

Take Guy of Gisborne, from Robin Hood

The fierce rottweiler-like henchman of the Sheriff is loyal but deadly. Whether he was really a good man, that’s a matter to chew over…

Because of that evil Vasey, poor Gizzy felt like he was going round in circles, chasing his own tail.

Then again, every time an evil plan was hatched, Guy was all ears.

He followed at the Sheriff’s heel and that always ended badly.

Yes, Gizzy has done plenty of bad things, but afterward at least he didn’t try to flea.

Perhaps Guy is like a mixed breed dog, half Lab, half pit bull.

 Sure, he might bite off your leg, but he’ll bring it right back to you.

Then we have the spy extraordinaire, the international man of mystery and mischief, Lucas North from Spooks.

He is one mean, lean, London saving machine!

I bet he makes you hot under the collar…

With his strong frame and long muscular legs, he reminds me of a pedigree Doberman.

Of course in season 9 it all went to the dogs.

I guess RA fans have quite a bone to pick with the writers of Spooks.

But, as I said to my friend Russel: It don’t mean jack! We still love Lucas!

Then again, from a certain angle…ermm… he resembles a different breed altogether…

Then there’s poor John Standring of Sparkhouse, bless him!

As this was the first high-profile role for RA, it probably gave him a new leash on life…

As a farmer, he’s good at handling farm animals, much like a sheep herding dog.

Anyway, with Carol’s mood swings, poor John often ended up in the doghouse.

Now that was ruff…

John tried to reason with her, but he just wasn’t herd.

I often wish John would stand on his own four legs!

What does Carol expect? That he’ll wag his tail every time he sees her?

But for poor John life is like a dogsled team. If you aren’t the lead dog, the scenery never changes.

Next up is the unappreciated Claude Monet, dogged by all the art critics.

 That really ticked him off!

No wonder he was so melon collie in The Impressionists!

Poor Richard had questionable facial hair and dodgy wig in this one, much like a chinese nude dog.

Nevermind, I still find him quite fetching…

Then there’s John Thornton from North & South.

He sure marked new territories in the textile manufacturing world of Milton.

I mean, his position in the North is nothing to bark at, he was a mastiff success…

Must have been thanks to the Lassie faire economy.

Maybe instead of a cotton factory, he should have had a chocolate lab.

By the time the strike had finished, it had all gone to the dogs.

Luckily, Margaret could retrieve it all.

Dear Thorin, The Hobbit hasn’t yet hit the screens, but I have a feeling you will be this woman’s best friend!

You have kept Richard away for a long time, but I’m not sniffing at that.

There’s no point in b*tching about you being away filming for the past year.

We love you anyway and where you lead, we follow!

Let’s not beat around the bush, the movie’s going to be a great dane.

And if Richard Armitage was a dog, I’d treat him just like my two Yorkshire Terrier puppies, Emma and Mela.

I ‘d love it when he slept in my bed, even if he took up most of it.

 I’d let him lay on my lap for hours and stroke him.

 I’d let him lick my face to show how much he loves me.

I’d forgive for any naughtiness the moment I laid eyes on that beautiful (not pug) face.

I’d bundle him up warm when it’s cold and hate to force him to pee outside when it’s frosty…

And for all the awful K-9 puns, I beg your Paw-don…

Feel free to raise your leg in salute to how doggone ridiculous they are 😉

For more of The Freeform chain in FanstRA 3, see my partner’s post at A is for Armitage  and Funky Blue Dandelion

Yesterday’s posts are at Melanie’s Musings, An Obsessed Fanatic and Do I Have a Blog?

Tomorrow, The Freeform chain tagteam continues at Something About Love (A),Me, My Thoughts and Richard Armitage and Do I Have a Blog?

All F3 links can be found HERE

FanstRA 3 Day Two!

Oh, It’s FanstRA , it’s Day Two!

Where to go, what to do?

Hello, I hope you’re enjoying the festivities.

 I already have a few favorite posts, which I will be sharing with you next week, when the FanstRA dust settles (surely it will take longer than a week for the RA crazy to stop though?) 

I’m not posting anything today, apart from a quick message that redirects you, so you’re on the right track.

Remember that you can never get lost in the FanstRA 3 chain thanks to our 10 lovely anchor bloggers!

Visit any of them and you will soon be on the right track.

One thing’s for sure! I’ll be there, reading and commenting 😉

Make sure you check out ALL of the FanstRA 3 tagteam chains.

All 5 of them!

Links to all FanstRA 3 posts appear here at the end of each day

My FanstRA 3 post will be here for you tomorrow.

Or for those eager beavers, at 00:01 GMT.

What to expect?

Well, let’s just say I plan to make you a little hot under the collar…

So, while I’m tied up, making my way around the chains of posts, I leave you with a subdued Gizzy…

Image: AllthingsRArmitage

Happy FanstRA 3 The Day has Come!

In the beginning, Richard Armitage made scores of fans — and he keeps on making them!

♦To kick off The Fandom chain:

Didion converts friends to Armitage love

Phylly3 reports on her fandom experiences

♦In The Hobbit chain Ana Cris writes on her recent film location visit

Mrs. E.B. Darcy speculates about what our hero will do in An Unexpected Journey (spoilers!)

King Richard Armitage chain begins with  Maria Grazia on a film adaptation of Richard III

♦Beginning The Fanfic chain, fedoralady explains fanfic’s mainstream appeal

♦ In The Freeform chain, Fabo files an eyewitness report on Richard Armitage’s visit to U.S. accent school

jazzbaby1 wonders “what were they thinking?” re: Lucas North’s women

ChrisB opens the Armitage Alphabet, with “A is for Action”

Links to all FanstRA 3 posts appear here at the end of each day

Remember that at any time, if you get lost, you can go back to the anchor bloggers who will guide you on your way.

FanstRAvaganza 3 is coming, time to start chilling the wine!

<p>TGIF. Lucas knows what I’m talking about.<br />
A couple more hours and hopefully I’ll be downing some vodka myself. Have a good weekend, y’all.<br />

I am keeping to the booze theme.

I think it’s connected to the looming deadline of FanstRAvaganza 3.

This is really not the time to crack open a bottle.

Me thinks come Monday (00:01 GMT), when it’s time to dive into all the wonderful posts created for the events, I’ll celebrate and end up falling off the chair laughing, have slurred speech and blurred vision.

On the upside, I will think the posts are extra amusing 🙂

On the downside, just think of the comments I may end up leaving…


Na zdrowie!

Na zdraví!

Saude, Viva!


Eis Igian!


Budem zdorovy!

From Between the Sheets.

‘Ugh, so difficult to drink things with this damn cravat on. Must take dainty sips.’

‘Just smile and drink boys, smile and drink.’

Richard Armitage drinks as Philip Durrant in Marple: Ordeal by Innocence.

That is all. :3

All images from Richard Armitage Drinks Things, it’s wickedly funny and the admin has a strange thing for RA and bananas 🙂

FanstRA 3 Update aka I Just Can’t Freakin’ Wait!

I’m working hard on FanstRA 3 stuff, so I don’t have much time to blog… or prepare for college… or do work related stuff…

One of my posts is incredibly time-consuming and I seem to be spending all my afternoons and evenings on it. I hold on to hope that it will be worth it!

My sister, who has been working her voodoo computer magic helping me pull this off, said:

 You’re all w*nkers!

Yes, yes we are! And I wouldn’t want it any other way 😉

By and by, I worry that my RA obsession is starting to influence her.

We were at the movies a few days ago and passed a Woman in Black poster. I remarked that I would like to see it.

She replied: Why, is the dude in it? He seems to be in everything these days…

I thought: Here’s to hoping!

But I see her point. In the past few months we’ve gone through Spooks 7-9, Robin Hood 1-3 and The Impressionists. Nothing non RA has passed through the DVD player.

And now I am asking her to spend her evenings turning my (twisted) RA visions into reality.

Thanks Magzy!

Now THAT’S what I call sisterly love!

 Now, enough chit-chat, it’s time to get back to work 😉