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Monthly Archives: February 2013

Happy Silly Sunday

FanstRA4 Richard Armitage March 11th

FanstRA4 is breathing down my neck and it’s time to start setting things in motion (no pressure…), and all of ideas for posts for the events involve more than sitting and writing (which I can’t actually do all that well, hence the smoke and mirrors).

On the plus side my mind is starting to work in overdrive and I actually had a post idea at 5am and was so afraid it’d go away, so I actually got up to grab a pen and paper.

While I’m busy with that, and many other things, let me leave you with a video that had me in tears and suffocating with laughter yesterday.

Some say it’s fake.

I say: Who cares?

As someone commented, she literally has side burns now LOL!

This kills me!

Have a wonderful Sunday!

Happy Sherlock Day! Now give me some smutty M/M fanfics to make it all better…

The post title refers to it being 02/21/13 (as written in the US) today, meaning 221 13 (B) meaning the house number of Sherlock’s residence on Baker St.

Most people don’t know that I’m actually quite a potty mouth in RL, but I don’t really feel like going back and deleting.

Not today anyway…


It never ceases to amaze me, at the same time freaking me the fuck out, how life, and the way you look at it, can change in a matter of minutes.

Things are definitely pants right now and I’m still figuring out how to cope with certain situations.

I know some of my fellow RA blogger find comfort in writing posts, either as a way of escaping RL crap, or as a means of actually understanding the whirlwind events in life.

I’m not sure I’m able to do that (or maybe not just right now…), not because I don’t believe that I would find comfort in my online friends or doubt the sincerity of their words and wishes.

It’s just that I have a very hands-on approach to any crises situation, not allowing myself a moment of weakness.

OK, I did totally lose my shit when I called my BFF to tell him what was going on, probably freaking him out as I doubt he’d ever witnessed me crying during our 12+ year friendship…

When you insist on being strong for everyone else, there comes a moment when you have to react, and passivity is my way out.

Tumblr is perfect for that, impersonal, somewhat smutty, not too challenging.

Escapism at it’s best.

It’s not so much the need to run away, at least for some time, but what I find most soothing, that has raised my internal eyebrows (whatever the fuck internal eyebrows are…).

You’d think I would retreat to RA, his characters, The Hobbit, Aidan Turner, or something down those lines.

I really can’t explain my sudden interest BBC’s Sherlock.

I think it was spurred on by a Hobbit/Sherlock crossover fanfic I had encountered, but not bothered to read.

I’d seen the series a while ago and absolutely adored the modern take on my beloved Doyle stories, not to mention how lovable I found Benedict Cumberbatch’s Sherlock and Martin Freeman’s Watson.

It’s not the series itself, however, that seems to capture my interest.

I’m so much more interested in Johnlock (a combination of John and Sherlock).

Now, I blame Durincest and Bagginshield for my sudden interest in: fanfiction in general,  M/M character pairing specifically, usually of explicit nature, but I’ll go for some angst every so often.

Damn you: Peter Jackson, Hot Dwarf Armitage and Hot Dwarf nephews, and especially talented smutty fanfic authors who know no boundaries!

What can I say?

There’s nothing like a character played by Martin Freeman finding himself utterly wrecked by another male character to brighten up an altogether grim day.

For the record, as much as I like Freeman as an actor with his wicked sense of humour, and he’s appeared in some of my favorite TV series (UK The Office) or films (The Hobbit), I’ve never really found him attractive as a man.

So how does he end up popping up in my favorite fanfics, usually in some compromising position (and I AM smiling and smirking as I type this…)?

Anyway, the first Johnlock fanfic I’d read, and one that I’m afraid has ultimately spoilt me for all others,  is A Cure For Boredom written by emmagrant01.

Just so we’re clear, this is definitely explicit and covers a range of topics of a sexual nature that some may find disturbing, but I found wonderfully distracting.

Just when the author deserved an online hug from me for perfectly capturing the characters of Sherlock and John while still managing to place them in the smuttiest (and sluttiest) of circumstances, it turned out she’d also written Alternate and Missing Scenes from “A Cure for Boredom”.

These extra chapters are mostly written from Sherlock’s perspective and it was just what I needed to find today.

Oh, it was like finding a banknote stuffed in the pocket of an old jacket when you thought you were skint.

“I was Wats-off, but then you turned me Wats-on.”

My delightfully weird escape, which I can’t explain, even if I tried.

BTW, the way I’m feeling now, I’d sacrifice Martin flying all the way to New Zealand to continue filming The Hobbit just to have him stay in London to film season 3 of Sherlock and provide a new fix.

That should tell you something about where I’m at at the moment.

I’d still love for Richard Armitage to make an appearance in the BBC series though, so maybe I’m not a hopeless cause…

Yup, it’s official! I can’t write a post that doesn’t at least mention Richard Armitage…

Be warned, this post is littered with RA pun pics I never got around to posting for Valentine’s Day.

They truly are not funny, a much too punny.

My only excuse? He made me do it!

:ucas North Spooks car rev my engine

Thank You to all you for your faboosh pics!

I could literally create the perfect Armitage Admirer, a Frankentige, if you will 🙂

I still need more of your face/body parts for my FanstRA4

Keep them coming!

Someone (I call her Miss DoubleS as in super smart for coming up with it…) sent the pics directly from PicMonkey, doing so anonymously, so remember you have the option to ‘share’.

Harry viacr of dibley richard armitage books

I spent the last weekend at the cinema, trying to catch up on all those interesting Oscar films I’ve had to ignore during my exam season.

It was a mixed bag really, and none of the films really knocked my socks (or any other part of my clothing) off.

Time for an  incy wincy confession- as I mentioned before, I absolutely love those few seconds right before the movie or play starts, when the lights go off and you’re waiting for things to start.

Each time it happened I was more than a little disappointed I wasn’t seeing The Hobbit.

Thorin Air New Zealand The hobbit aeroplane

Yup, I think I’ve finally flipped.

Reading dwarf porn and such didn’t convince me, but this has.

But I’ve not completely gone over to the dark side as I still refuse to watch it dubbed.

No, I tell you! Never!

Lucas North spooks Richard Armitage coffee

Anyway, one of the movies we watched was the Kathryn Bigelow film Zero Dark Thirty.

I’m not going into details and I shan’t be reviewing it as I hardly think I’m objective as a student of American Culture, and have a somewhat warped insider/outsider perspective.

The reason I mention it though is because this happened:

The scene shows waterboarding.

I lean over to my BFF Max and whisper:

Me: That looks hellish. Do you know Richard had to film waterboarding twice and it was a horrid experience for him cos as a child he fell into a pond while strapped in a stroller and the experience scarred him for life and he hates water now, but even for Captain America he had to sit in this weird submarine capsule and then they had water pouring into it… poor Richard…. *catching my breath*

Max: Usually grandmothers tell their grandchildren anecdotes about their own life.

You’re gonna be telling them stories about Richard Armitage’s life…

Touché, my dear friend…

And I’ll provide plenty of pictures so my grandkids can see what a real man looked like back in the day…

Lucas North spooks Richard Armitage bum jeans

On top of that, all that sexy commando crap featured in the movie has got me yearning for Porter, so I may have to pull out my combat pants and sexy scarves and give dear John Six-pack a visit soon.

Yes, it’s been a little Armitage crazy around here of almost no fault of my own, and that’s my story and I’m sticking to it!

Armitage obsession is an involuntary condition, something you contract, much like the flu.

John Thornton North and south tea cup

Unlike the flu though, some milk and honey and garlic won’t make it all better (unless you think of a VERY creative way of using it… OK, nevermind…).

Then you also need the support of your loved ones to either help you quit altogether or make you as comfortable in your condition as possible.

My sister decided she needed some cheesy viewing and we are rewatching Robin Hood.

Salt, wound, leather, Gizzy…

Can you blame a girl for not being able to come up with a good non-RA post?

Monet Richard Armitage the impressionists

As I suffer my condition, I shall not suffer it in silence (I really can’t do anything in silence…).
So what almost everything reminds me of either Richard, a part he’s played, something I saw/read on tumblr or a fanfic?

Who said that’s not an appropriate way to view the world, filtered through the beauty that is Armitage?

Don’t answer those questions, don’t ever answer them!

If this is wrong, looking at RA, how can a girl ever want to be right?

(again, rhetorical question, no need to answer…).

And that’s what I’m going to be telling my grandbabies 🙂

Wrapped up in Thornton on Valentine’s Day

Wrapped up in Thornton on Valentine’s Day

I still need more of your face/body parts for my FanstRA4 project, so please send them my way!

Thank You! to all of you who have but you! *knocks on the screen*  yeah YOU!

Yes, YOU!

I haven’t got your pics yet!

Send them my way please 🙂

John Thornton Richard Armitage Valntine's Day North and South

Happy Valentine’s Day!

I’ve actually been getting into a frisky romantic mood in the past few weeks, probably due to a need to escape the pressures of RL and exams and such nonsense.

My go-to haven turned out to be North and South, and once again, Mr Thornton kissed and made it all better (although no train stations were involved this time around…).

I tend to rewatch this BBC mini-series about 4 times a year, and when the time comes to pop it into the DVD or my laptop, a girl just knows.

There an itch that only a cravat can scratch.

There are emotions that are forgotten more than a pair of worn leather gloves, and they need to brought to light.

N&S is so much more than merely a love story set in a dirty smokey industrial hell of Milton.

I adore some characters, like the Thornton’s, at the same time I adore to loathe others, like the Hale’s (Yeah, that’s right! I said it! They need to ALL climb out of their self-important arses and get with the Milton program!).

Overbearing Mill master John Thornton North and South

As fulfilling as the series is, I decided to go looking for some fanfics that would prolong my N&S glow.

There’s quite a mixed bag out there, and I was horribly disappointed on more than one occasion when I got terribly involved with a plot (as in 3am and I’m still reading…) only to find out the fic had never been finished.

I’d like to recommend some N&S insipred fanfic, but this is by no means a full list.

Please add any other fanfic recs to comments.

John Thornton collage North and South Richard Armitage

Let’s start off with something a bit saucy.

There are two stories I’d like to recommend, both dealing with the physical aspect of John and Margaret’s relationship after they get married.

I love me some smut, but full-blown slash doesn’t seem to work for these two characters, so I really enjoyed the following stories.

Take Her there with me by Redizded


The story is an exploration of  how things might be between John and Margaret in terms of sexuality, taking into account their passionate nature, but also the strong Victorian inhibitions and rules that undoubtedly would have influenced any couples’ sex life at that time.

And let me tell you, Mr Thornton does not disappoint 😉

Touch by fiablue


The story is set during the course of one evening.

Margaret and Mr Thornton are forced to marry as a consequence of their actions during the riot.

Emotions are still running high, and they are both having to make some big adjustments to their life.

It’s an interesting take on sexual tension and Victorian sexuality in general.

Plus, who could resist the urge to touch a sleeping Mr Thornton?

Lavender and Ink by  FadingWinter


A quick one-shot in more ways than one…

Mr Thornton is alone in his office and can’t stop thinking about Margaret, so he decides to take matters into his own hands… *cough*

Sick of Shadows (chapter 1-8) by lettered


I really enjoyed this fanfic, although it was never finished (but a girl can hope!).

Chapter 9 continues HERE .

You can find what the author describes as Victorian porn (bless her!) meaning the rest of chapter 9 HERE.

Poor Mr Thornton does the right thing and saves Margaret from ruin by marrying her.

This story is full of angst, and the misunderstandings are thick, but there isn’t much John’s love cannot conquer.

John Thornton, Look Back at Me  by Loyal Wynyard


You can also buy the book HERE.

John is tortured by the loss of the woman he so desperately loved, only to learn that things are much, much worse, as Margaret is now a married woman.

A Heart for Milton by Trudy Brasure

You can also buy the book HERE.

The is probably the most famous continuation of North and South, and I really enjoyed it.

This tale unfolds the joy, hope, passion, and fulfillment of the love forged between John Thornton and Margaret Hale as the reader follows their journey through the uncertainties of their engagement to the trials encountered in their first year of marriage …and beyond.

Only criticism? Mr Thornton seems to be a ig fan of the missionary position… just saying it like it is 😉

Master of the Mill by whatcatydidnext


Some of you will loathe the story in which Margaret has to get a job at the mill, Mr Thornton is enjoys some rough sexy time with a slutty Miss Latimer and I’m not even going to start on Henry.

I’m adding this to my rec list because it boldly goes beyond what we believe to be true about our beloved characters.

I hope you enjoy my recs and please feel free to leave yours in comments.

Have a wonderful Valentine’s Day!

Have a Heart on Valentine’s Day

First things first, THANK YOU to all of you who have already sent in your cropped features 🙂
I still need more of your face/body parts for my FanstRA4 project, so please send them my way!

Keep them coming please, and I WILL start cold calling (or emailing, as the case may be) to fill my needed quota of a hundred billion (more or less…).

Valenite's Day Pin Up

Scrolling down at the post published at I Want to be a Pin Up, I really do look like a total Armitage creep/weirdo/call the police and get a restraining order, because it’s been RAining Armitage over here for months.

Just call me Miss Pervy Armitage (no, really, I’m planning on officially changing it…).

As part of Valentine’s Day I’ve decided to separate my posts into those that refer more to the official name of my blog, and those that are connected to the Armi-loony in me, which will be posted tomorrow.

HaveAHeart_GilElvgren Pin Up Valentine's Day

Time for the Valentine’s Day Pin Up Girls 🙂

Some people are surprised I embrace Valentine’s Day so much, seeing that I’m single and jaded to the extreme, but I can’t help but support a day that’s all about love, in whatever shape or form it happens to be present in your life.

I wish you true romance  on the 14th of February, chocolates and long-stemmed roses from a passionate lover, champagne and some extra vigorous chandelier sex.

Then again, if you happen to be like me and you don’t even have a proper chandelier to hang from, I wish you the feeling of being loved by friends and family 🙂

Pin Up red robe Valentines Day

Pin Up Elvgren_Gil-Bewitching

Gil_Elvgren-in pin up heart  Valentine's Day

Romantic Pin Up roses Valentine's Day


GilElvgren1950s Pin Up Red Longjohns

gil-elvgren Red Pin Up Valentine's Day

elvgren-ihopehemrsme Valentine's Day

Elvgren red corset Pin up Valentine's day

bear-rug Pin Up romance Valentine's Day

I hope you have a steaming Valentine’s Day and remember, in the words of RuPaul:

If you can’t love yourself, how the hell you gonna love somebody else?!?!?

Collecting RArmy Body Parts!


FanstRA4 Richard Armitage NY

Dear Fellow Armitage Admirers who have ridiculously good taste in men !

Although I should be focusing on the mammoth task I have ahead of me today, it being the day of ‘sink or swim’, my mind seems to want to find refuge in brainstorming FanstRA4 ideas.

The date for THE BEST ARMITAGE event (well, apart from Armitage Day, eeerrrr Armitage Week, King Richard Week…. OK, so we do like to celebrate a lot around here…) has been set for the second week of March 11th and will run for…not 1, not 2, 3? Nope… For 7 slamming saliva inducing days!

This year I decided to really flex my Armitage blogging abs (which exist only in virtual reality) and have a post for you each and every day throughout the week.

That right folk, I’m bringing absurd admiration to a whole new level!

I’m enlisting help to fill the space, so can anyone say GUEST BLOGGER?!?! 🙂

I shall remain mum as to this blogger’s identity for now, but I’m really excited.

FanstRA4 Richard Armitage March 11th

Back to the topic at hand (no pun intended).

I need a hand (again, no pun intended) with a project I’ll be doing for FanstRA4.

RArmy, there’s no easy way to say this, I’ll I’ll just go right ahead and say it:

I need your body parts!

Before you start running for the hills or calling the cops on me, let me specify.

I need pictures of parts of you.

It can be  parts of your face or body.

You are very welcome to send me a whole pic, but for privacy reasons, I’ll be more than content with small parts of you 🙂

The more the better, and I really do need hundreds!!!

If you’ve never done anything like that before and you’re not sure how to crop, here’s a small guide.

There are billions of ways to do this, but here’s a simple one.

Take a picture of yourself.

I shall use Richard as my model… and will continue to explain once I stop staring at his beauty…

OK, so here’s the pic:


Then go to PicMonkey and click on ‘edit photo’.

Pic Monkey Edit Photo

Once you open up the pic, choose the ‘crop option on the left and start cropping:

Pic Monkey crop Richard Armitage

The end result will be something like this:

Richard Cropped Eye

You can send them in anonymously to:


I really hope you will join me in the FanstRA4 project 🙂

Thorin’s Majestic Dear Diary Rec

Thorin Oakenshield The Hobbit Dear Diary Majestic

It’s the bad blogger (who’s doing her best) here!

Ya know, the one who either doesn’t post or posts fillers, and wouldn’t you know it, I have a bit of a filler for you today (again), but this one is Oh! so good.

As I’ve mentioned before, I’ve been enjoying Hobbit related fanfiction, and today I’d like to share the single funniest one EVER!

Thorin Oakenshield’s Majestic Diary ,written by had me laughing out loud!

Just imagine the majestic king writing a diary that Bridget Jones would be proud of, determined NOT to fancy the Hobbit burglar, and trying to tolerate his idiot nephews.

And Gandalf?

He’s an: “intimidatingly powerful wizard as well as a weed-smoking tree-hugger who deals in illegal fireworks”.

This really is very funny and I hope it brightens up your Saturday 🙂

Thorin Richard Armitage glasses

Have a wonderful weekend!

A Full Armitage Breakfast

I’m still in the throws of my academic reality, but I’ve left you alone for far too long, so as a peace offering I give you something sizzling to go with your morning coffee.

There’s just a quick photo for you today, one that I put together a looooong while ago and it’s been sitting in the image file forever.

Armitage Army breakfast

It’s really hard to remember what possessed inspired me to create it, but I’m pretty sure it had something to do with a need to fiddle with Porter’s body (digitally of course…).

Anyway, I hope you all have a yummy morning and no matter where you are, make it a Full Porter 🙂

About that tiff between Richard and I…

Richard Armitage Canada The Hobbit

Yesterday I mentioned that Richard and I had a bit of a tiff, although, for obvious logistic reasons, only one of us really let the argument get to them 🙂

Here’s what happened:

I came across the clip from George Stroumboulopoulos Tonight where RA was a guest.

I hadn’t seen it before as I was in my pre-Hobbit blackout mode when it first aired.

I thought the interview went well, Armitage was delightful, and the fanvid twist was fun (not to mention the Guy Yum!).

And then that weird thing happened some time around the 10:00 minute mark.

The mention of fans=seats sold

Errrmmmm, I’m sorry, what?

At first I was taken aback by the quip that lasted merely a few seconds.

Then it started gnawing at me that Richard would think about his fans in terms of money and revenue.

It started out as a passing thought, but the upset just built up (I am a woman after all!).

I wasn’t sure if it was that Thorin Oakenshield cockiness that had rubbed off on our usually kind and humble Richard, or perhaps we were seeing the slick Hollywood version of Mr Armitage, meaning the one who was too cool to concern himself with the little people in any other way than what they could do for him.

 I felt compelled to remind him that, as loyal as the Armitage Army was, we had barely made a dent in the almost $1 billion worldwide box office takings, even if we did probably make butt cheek dents in the seats at our local cinemas.

In terms of power and money, let’s be honest, we’re quite powerless, even if we’re Oh so cute! and are a fun to mention during interviews.

What is more, many of us would have seen The Hobbit anyway, regardless of who played Thorin, although having Armitage there made a huge difference.

What we had been doing as Armitage Admirers for years is something that, although not as profitable, some may value much more.

I’m actually really proud each time I hear a fellow admirer representing us so well at events and such.

I’m proud not because they’ve the ones that bought the tickets (and the DVD’s…T-shirts, mascots, action figures, ridiculously overpriced magazines…the list goes on…).

I’m proud because we’re worth so much more than that, something you can’t explain in monetary terms.

The person who made the mentioned video mentioned during the interview spent a lot of time creating something to share their Armitage admiration with other fans, and I’ve also been known to spend hours on silly little pictures, gifs for the sheer joy of being part of this community (I mean what twisted person creates an Armitage tooth fairy or a busy bee? seriously??!!!???).

I really got  myself worked up.

Really worked up!

I decided that I wasn’t able to let go of the likes of Thornton or Lucas North, but maybe me and Richard needed to take a break, meaning I’d stop admiring him while he was oblivious to my existence.

And then I saw this… (taken from The Marilyn Denis Show).

At the end Richard mentions the Armitage Army.

Oh Richard, I’m so very sorry I ever doubted you, I really and truly am!

What can I say?

I’ve been a naughty fangirl and I really need to be punished to apologise.

Let’s kiss and make up shake hands and agree to never doubt one another’s good intentions in the future.

Mr Armitage, you have managed to warm the cockles of my frozen heart…again…

PS. Not sure if this is a good time to mention that your last Christmas card got lost in the mail…..errr….nevermind….

Ye can bet yer scurvey legs I’m missing The Hobbit!

Thorin Richard Armitage Pirate

Shhhhhh! *whispers* It’s me… don’t look around, pretend I’m not here…

Ahoy, me Hearties!

I should be studying hard, but being away from the fandom has actually opened up a floodgate of RA-ish related thoughts, not to mention a mean case of the North & South itches which I can’t seem to scratch no matter how many fanfics I read, and how many Thornton cravats I tie (and untie) in my mind…

Also, Richard and I had a bit of a tiff yesterday (although only one of us was aware of it for obvious reasons…) but I’ll tell you about it some other time.

I digress.

I have a quick question for you today, and was wondering what your opinion is.

I won’t be seeing The Hobbit in the cinema anymore.

Unfortunately there’s only the dubbed version still out, and I have clearly not yet lost my mind to sit through 3 hours of seeing Richard and yet not hearing him.

I can’t however wait for the release of the DVD, apparently scheduled for release 19th of March in the US.

No, really, I can’t wait.



I know I’ll be buying The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey DVD the moment it’s out, but I wouldn’t mind having something to tide me over.

I’ve been checking my usual online sources, but there haven’t been any good copies out, and I’m too afraid to download it from a torrent.

A part of me feels a bit icky about even contemplating it, while on the other hand it’s not like Warner won’t get my money anyway…

So, I have a question for you today, my dear Mayteys, but remember:

Dead men tell no tales, savvy?

So speak your mind or walk the plank!

By the way, if you do decide to cross over to the dark side, you’ll probably need a new Buccaneer name:

OK, Bloody Bones Holystone needs to go and get back to scrubbing the deck (aka studying for her philosophy exam…)!