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Have a Heart on Valentine’s Day

First things first, THANK YOU to all of you who have already sent in your cropped features 🙂
I still need more of your face/body parts for my FanstRA4 project, so please send them my way!

Keep them coming please, and I WILL start cold calling (or emailing, as the case may be) to fill my needed quota of a hundred billion (more or less…).

Valenite's Day Pin Up

Scrolling down at the post published at I Want to be a Pin Up, I really do look like a total Armitage creep/weirdo/call the police and get a restraining order, because it’s been RAining Armitage over here for months.

Just call me Miss Pervy Armitage (no, really, I’m planning on officially changing it…).

As part of Valentine’s Day I’ve decided to separate my posts into those that refer more to the official name of my blog, and those that are connected to the Armi-loony in me, which will be posted tomorrow.

HaveAHeart_GilElvgren Pin Up Valentine's Day

Time for the Valentine’s Day Pin Up Girls 🙂

Some people are surprised I embrace Valentine’s Day so much, seeing that I’m single and jaded to the extreme, but I can’t help but support a day that’s all about love, in whatever shape or form it happens to be present in your life.

I wish you true romance  on the 14th of February, chocolates and long-stemmed roses from a passionate lover, champagne and some extra vigorous chandelier sex.

Then again, if you happen to be like me and you don’t even have a proper chandelier to hang from, I wish you the feeling of being loved by friends and family 🙂

Pin Up red robe Valentines Day

Pin Up Elvgren_Gil-Bewitching

Gil_Elvgren-in pin up heart  Valentine's Day

Romantic Pin Up roses Valentine's Day


GilElvgren1950s Pin Up Red Longjohns

gil-elvgren Red Pin Up Valentine's Day

elvgren-ihopehemrsme Valentine's Day

Elvgren red corset Pin up Valentine's day

bear-rug Pin Up romance Valentine's Day

I hope you have a steaming Valentine’s Day and remember, in the words of RuPaul:

If you can’t love yourself, how the hell you gonna love somebody else?!?!?

About Agzy The Ripper

Sew, Rip, Repeat... and love each moment of it! Join me as I embark on a myriad of sewing and crafting shenanigans.

6 responses »

  1. It’s really nice to have your lovely pin ups back!!! Your last sentence says it all!!! I hope you’ve had a lovely day!!! 😉

    • Thanks Luciana, I’ve missed the girls too 🙂 It seems that The Hobbit madness has finally passed and we can go back to life as we knew it before the whole dwarf madness started.

      • I can’t complain about the overdose of RA posts, but I also appreciate other topics too!!! 😉

        • That’s very true and I’ve always enjoyed posting on other topics. I remember a time when I got a lot more clicks on non-RA posts, although the last 3 months have hardly been typical for our fandom. I hope to go back to a nice mix and I will as long as Richard stops being so damn hot 😉

        • It’s been so bloody long since I’ve posted non RA stuff, I really don’t know where to start. Oh Dear! I know there’s a circus post that’s been put on the back burner for over a month now, and as I’m starting to get my act together fpr fanstRA4, I need to gods on non-RA creativity to bless me with some ideas that don’t mention Armitage, any of his characters or any part of his anatomy 😉


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