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Armitage Visual Fest 4

I have a decent amount of Armitage pictures on my laptop, I bet my compilation pails in comparison to most people’s (I’m a laptop purist and chuck things out the moment I even suspect I don’t need it).

Having said that, I have enough pictures when I want to fiddle around with photoshop.

I usually bin my little silly manips the moment they are published in a post, but every so often I end up keeping a few, mostly because they have inspired me to do something else.

Here a few of the manips I’ve made for whatever reason (seriously, with some of them I stopped asking why? and how?)


RA dragon 3 RA tablet Thorin Richard Armitage mask tumblr_murdxigqRN1rq48e0o1_500

richard-armitage-hollywood richard-armitage-north-by-northwes-poster

Then there are those manips that never get completed.

I’d been meaning to do a Richard Armitage Magician post (for whatever reason) and I never completed it:

Richard Magician 11

Yup, still need plenty of work…

Armitage Visual Fest 3

While I’m away, my scheduled posts will be publishing some of my favorite RA pictures (or stuff that is stuck in my RA folder and I’ve held on to for whatever reason).

I loved this photo shoot from the first time I laid eyes on it.

Richard looks so young and relaxed and I liked the simplicity of it, although I bet Guylty would *ooof* the heck out of it 😉


I got a strong Buddy Holly vibe, that probably what possessed inspired me to add some glasses.

richard-armitage-glassesAlso, the arm hair…

Anyway, I approve!

Shake, Rattle and Roll Hobbit Boys

Tomorrow I’ll be posting the rules and guideline regarding the RA Silent Auction.

I’m so excited as there are 20 items to date to bid on and they are really cool!

While I was creating the auction post my PS Elements 6 crashed and I had to upgrade to CS6 which seems awesome, but I’m having to learn many functions from scratch.

Shake rattle and roll1

I feel that while I’m busy organising the auction, Armitage admirers are continuing with their….well… admiration and I feel a tad out of the loop.

Never mind, I’ll be back, but till then here are The Hobbit boys showing us their moves!

And I will NOT be writing about the placement of Richard’s hands… let’s just assume it’s a line dancing move…

Debbie does Dallas, Richard does Old Hollywood…

There WILL BE a “what’s Richard leaning against?” brainstorming post once the RA Silent Auction (coming to a computer near you this Friday!) is done and dusted, but I’ll leave you with this image I’ve been toying around with:

Richard Armitage Hollywood cinema

I simply refuse to let go of Old Hollywood Richard!

Scientists keep on trying to figure out Viagra for women.


Here it is, and without any nasty side-effects!

In the meantime, here’s the image and you can start thinking where we’re going to stick Richard 🙂

RA tux empty

The Picture of Richard Armitage or The Secret of RA Youth

Today marks the start of RA Halloween Week (OK, technically it’s Halloween 4 days, but that doesn’t have the same ring to it…).

I’ll be serving up the usual mayhem and madness, but I’ll also be trying out some new things like a ficlet or two, so I hope you’ll have yourself a spooky week 4 days.

It’s also the only time when the following image makes any sense:

Richard Armitage Halloween See you soon

Richard just looks better with age, there’s no denying it, but what’s the man’s secret?

Maybe a portrait hidden somewhere in his (alleged) NY abode?

One that shows all of his deepest darkest secrets that he wants to keep away from the prying eyes of his fans (sleepless nights partying, one too many shots of Russian vodka, a love of chocolate ice-cream…).

Thornton portrait 2

So now you know, but don’t mention it to Richard, he’s very touchy on the subject 😉

What other beauty tips does RA use to keep us fangirls salivating yearning?

Run Richard, Run! But what’s he running from/towards?

Empty Lucas Running insert idea

I really enjoy getting ideas from the comments my wonderful readers leave, so I want to try something new today.

I’ve used the image of Lucas North running many times.

There’s something about how Richard’s body looks in motion that makes me want to cry out a Hallelujah!

Just look at those thighs and that junk in his trunk!

I could send hours fiddling with this image and, actually, I have.

I’ve had Richard running with dogs:

Richard Armitage Lucas running dogs

And running away from dragons:

Armitage Dragon fire

Now I want to hear YOUR IDEAS!!!

What is Richard running away from?

What is Richard running towards?

Leave your ideas in comments and remember, the dafter the better and nothing is too out there!

Give as much info as you can to help me, maybe a little background story or link to a photo, and I will do my best to PS your ideas and post them throughout the week 🙂

To start us off, here’s Bilbo Baggins, the ultimate fangirlhobbit, chasing after Richard for an autograph!

Honestly, I can’t blame the amorous Halfling, that’s more or less what I’d look like!

Richard Armitage Bilbo autograph hunter

I can’t wait to see what you crazy lot will come up with!!!

Tha gaol agam ort Richard!

Scottish flag Armitage

Today’s Stereotypical Sunday was suggested by Nadia who longed to see Richard frolicking in the Highlands.

What do Scottish men wear under their kilts?

As always Richard probably knows but he’s not telling!

Then again, some say that if men wore anything under kilts they’d be wearing skirts 😉

 Richard is a Skinny Malinky Longlegs from the north, although not that far north, but he sure has the pegs to decorate a kilt!

scottish Armitage

I’ve used the stereotypical elements of the kilt, bagpipes and a beautiful glen, but I passed on the haggis as it just refused to mingle with the other elements…

Talking of Scotland, there’s also something a bit Braveheart about Thorin, could be the hair, could be the dodgy garb or the yelling…

They both believe: Gie it laldy! (you should do things with gusto).

Armitage Braveheart 1

Whit’s fur ye’ll no go past ye, Richard!

Going from Silly to Stereotype Sundays?

Magzy asked me the other day whatever happened to Silly Sundays.

I think it’s 90% of post content here could be described that way so that didn’t make Sunday any special.

My mind went from Silly to Stereotype Sunday, inspired by Ms S’s love of German beer.

Armitage, Bavarian lederhosen, sounds like a winner to me!

International Armitage flags

So I’ve decided to take stereotypes of some countries and used them to objectify beautify our dear Richard!

This will be an ongoing project, so if there’s any other stereotypical features or garb of a specific country that you’d like to see RA plonked in, drop them in comments with suggestions on which feature to highlight.

It’s all a bit of fun, so I don’t want anybody huffing and puffing ready to blow this blog down, I don’t drink vodka much, nor do I have beached hair or eat kieÅ‚basa.

Today we will start with German Armitage!

German Armitage

We know that Richard has the legs for these shorts and socks, he’s also been photographed nursing an oversized beer in his younger years.

I’ve taken the most stereotypical features like the full Bavarian outfit, beer, beautiful mountains, Octoberfest, pretzels, and some dog shape wurst because obviously no German household would be complete without it…

By the way, I met two Armitage fans in London last year in December and they were both wearing lederhosen which I felt was quite extreme seeing that it was very frosty that day…

OK, they weren’t, but wouldn’t it have been fun?  😉

Germany Armitage 2

Zum Wohl! Armitage Friends!

Splitting hairs about Richard’s hair…

Armitage Bald

The debate continues, so cue the hair puns!

Hair we go:
Todd is going to great lengths to finish this cutting edge tornado flick and one can only hope he’ll pony up soon, once he straightens out a few things.

I think it’s great he tweets pics hair and there of highlight from the film, we’re still waiting for a great clip, so I’m brushing off any criticism from other fans that he’s showing his true colours by teasing us.

There’ve been some cutting remarks, but let’s knot get tied up about it.

Armitage Hair magic Black Sky

There have been discussions throughout the RA community regarding Garner’s intentions and the disturbing change in Richard’s hair length, as he’s clearly still sporting hair from down under… and I mean from NZ, so get your mind out of the gutter!

It’s something I’ll have to mullet over, although it looks like the mane issues were covered here and here, so check it out if you want to get to the root of the problem.

Gary Thorin Hair

The truth is I can’t wait for the tornado flick, it doesn’t wash any more and I feel stranded.
I’m receding now, it’s all getting too hairy for me and I think I’m just splitting hairs now.

So, to cut this short, hairs to your success Richard!

You are a cut above the rest and we are rooting for you!

Amitage Moustache Madness

We’ve seen Richard’s face sporting all levels of fuzziness, from smooth as a baby’s bottom to hairy beary, but not so much with moustaches.

I remember there being a dodgy lip warmer in Malice Aforethought and Miss Marie Lloyd, but I think that’s it (please correct me if I’m wrong).


Staches aren’t exactly the height of fashion now, and my dad seems to be the only man who can pull one off.

Don’t get me wrong, we’ve tried to get him to shave, but it’s just become a part of him and I think he feels bare without it.

If you think there’s not much to a moustache, think again!

There are different shapes and sizes.

Don’t believe me?


And if you want to get all fancy and europeany about it, here’s a posher version of the good old moustache chart (you snob!):


First up, the Fu Manchu, is a full, straight moustache that grows downward past the lips and on either side of the chin.

The pointed ends hang towards or past the jaw line.

To me it’s more like the Fu Hell’s Angels, but what do I know…

Armitage moustache 1

Next up is a cross between the Regular Mo and Handlebar, although I’m getting a hint of Dr Watson too.

Quick, pass the pipe and an annoyed Sherlock.

Armitage moustache 2

If a more slick version is your cup of tea, how about the full Handlebar.

He look like he’s about the release doves from his sleeve and sew a woman in half (I volunteer, Richard The Ravenous!).

Armitage moustache 3

Then we have the Dali, which makes everyone look like a pompous twat artsy.

I could just go around drawing these on every magazine cover model.

I could just go around drawing these on Richard.

I could go around….Richard…

Armitage moustache 4

Next up is something that I’d like to call Dali in the Rain.

It’s what my hair does when I curl it and step outside my house.

Armitage moustache 5

If the purpose of a moustache is to warm the upper lip then this style has it covered (pun intended).

It’s the Walrus, but it looks like the Horseshoe on steroids.

The phrase “Waiter, waiter, there’s a hair in my soup” is unavoidable…

Armitage moustache 6

By now you could have noticed that the chin was getting a little lonely, so here’s a Handlebar and Chin Puff.

Sometime a man just needs to get his sleaze on…

Armitage moustache 9

We need an Armitage Admirer poll to select the best option for Richard, so I’ve compiled some poll options.

And “no moustache” is not an option, sorry to say!

Let’s imagine that Richard in the mayor of Moustacheville in Moustachion county, New Moustache state, The United States of Moustache.

In other words, he’s getting a moustache and you’ve just got to deal with it 😉

Here are your options:

Armitage Moustache poll

So, I moustache you this question:

Can you guess which one is my favourite?

Armitage moustache 10

“Sacre bleu, ver ees Marguerite goin wit de basket full ov baguettes and fromage?

Regarder en arrière à moi, you fille stupide!”♦

♦ I don’t speak French, can you tell?

 Oh là là, I can’t lie, Monsieur Jean Thornton is turning me on 😉