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What will The Hobbit Extended Edition cough up?

No Stereotype Sunday today, I’ve started my post-graduate course and I didn’t have time to fiddle with RA pics.

RAin check?


I’ve mentioned before that I wouldn’t be buying the DVD of The Hobbit until the Extended Edition was out.

 It’s out on Amazon November 11th, conveniently just in time to stick on my B-Day list (and pop it in Magzy’s account basket as a not so subtle hint).

It seems that it will feature an extra 13-minute cut of the film and almost 9 hours of new special features.

Don’t get me wrong, there’s no doubt that when DOS is out on DVD Jackson will add another 13 minutes to AUJ, we’ll just never catch up.

Talking about special features, 9 hours is a heck of a lot of footage, until you start breaking it down.

Two commentaries is almost 6 hours right there.

Then there are those interesting clips that feature everything but the kitchen sink with regards to production CG etc. which you end up watching once, if that.

The big question is, how much more RA, Aidan, and Dean will we get?

I’d like to list what I would like to see:

– Richard Armitage getting into character (as in slipping into the Thorin costume… and out of it, showering etc.)

– Thorin (Richard) braiding Kili’s (Aidan’s) hair

– Dwarf strip poker

– any bathing under a waterfall configuration

– what the dwarves in barrels were up to after hours

What about you, what new footage would you like to see?

About Agzy The Ripper

Sew, Rip, Repeat... and love each moment of it! Join me as I embark on a myriad of sewing and crafting shenanigans.

29 responses »

  1. There’s only one commentary on this Extended Edition- PJ and Philippa, so that’s only 3 hours out of the 9.
    I think GMcT hinted there might be the original audition tapes in these extras which would be fantastic. I’m hoping for behind the scenes funny stories and incidental moments, like dwarvish table tennis and the like,basically anything that shines more light on how the guys interacted on a day to day basis. I think some of the more experienced, old hands like William Kircher may prove to be amusing tale tellers.

    I see where you’re going with your theme there, Agzy. Basically, dwarves disrobing in any way that serves the plot (or not!) would be appropriate, yes? Or did you me n the actors themselves out of costume?

    I presume you’ve seen the actual list of extras?

    • Only the one? I though there were two commentaries, but I probably won’t get through even the one. Yes, I am in need of some up close and personal dwarf action, I can’t lie 😉

  2. I’ll be honest, I haven’t seen these but here’s a link to some very (apparently) spoilery images from the EE scenes – and it seems Richard Armitage has a few good ones that many fan-girls will most definitely like.

    Again, I haven’t seen these since they’re spoiler-ish, but here you go:

  3. Couldn’t find any contact details on your blog, Agzy, so I’m just going to leave this here for you. It’s an article and video about Chris Lilley’s new show which is starting here this week.

  4. 😀 😀 😀 świetna lista! Proponuję nie zapominać o Dwalinie i Filim , mam wrażenie że sprawdziliby się w rozbieranym pokerze . Nie kupię drugiego DVD…no chyba że dołączą “Dwarf Naked Calendar” 😀

    • LOL! O takie właśnie dodatki mi chodzi. Nie 6 godzin nudzy o computerowej grafice, ale obszerny reportaż o cielesności krasnoludków! Trochę anatomii proszę!

  5. littlesallyboots (Hannah A)

    You’ve pretty much listed all the things I’d like to see on the dvd extras ^^

    Thorin showering…personally, I’ll be peeved if we don’t get witness this!

    Thorin’s top tips for keeping his hair so fabulous would also be welcome. Plus a (long) clip of Armi saying pretty much anything in his swoon worthy Thorin voice. He could list the names on the Dulux colour chart and it’d still be damn sexy!!!!

    Oh, and a blooper real, ’cause they’re always fun! 😉

    • I know peeps have already downloaded the film ad extras, I need to wait a bit, but it all seems quite juicy. It’s touching to see Richard in his Lucas North phase with Porters body auditioning to be Thorin 🙂

      • littlesallyboots (Hannah A)

        It’s sooooo tempting to just downloaded the extras…but I think I’m going to be a good girl and wait until I have the dvd, then I can watch all the juicy treats on the big telly-box, opposed to my teeny netbook 😉
        I have seen a few of the screen shots though… words cannot describe how much I love the fact that Armi auditioned for the hot dwarf king in the midst of his hot spy Lucas days… -_-

        • They’ve downloaded the film legally you naughty girl 😉
          I’m trying to stay away from gifs and posts etc. so when I get the DVD it’s just me watching Richard audition!

          • littlesallyboots (Hannah A)

            Oh… o_o
            I didn’t think it was out until next month… I’m guessing America got it early? -_-
            I’ve only seen the pics that have popped up here and there…I want to save what I can for the dvd. Then I can watch him. Totalwee awone! ;P

          • Me too. I guess you can download it on amazon and such, but I want to pop my Hobbit DVD cherry in style 😉

          • littlesallyboots (Hannah A)

            Me too! I’m thinking my onesie + a sneaky g&t or too as I drool over Armi’s audition piece! 😉

          • It’s going to be a challenge for me as I’m not sure my sister will endure 9 hours of hobbiting/dwarfing. In fact, I’m pretty sure she won’t, so I’ll have to conduct my fangirling in my own time which will probably entail a few sleepless nights 🙂
            BTW, will you be in London in December during DOS week? We’re flying in on 11th Dec, I think the movie is out the next day, so maybe we could meet up and see it together. I know Guylty will be there too, so we could maybe embarrass ourselves with our fangirling in pleasant company 🙂

          • littlesallyboots (Hannah A)

            Those sleepless nights will be totally worth it though, eh? 😉 And all that viewage will surely inspire some yummy dreams! ;P
            I’m booking that week off work, so yes, I shall be around. Would be awesome to meet up 😀 My lovely Lee Pace lovin’ friend is having an operation a couple of weeks before DOS comes out, but she wants/hopes to be well enough to come to London too and maybe hang around Leicester Square to see the hot dwarf(s)/elf ^^
            We’ve promised to see the first showing together so I’m not sure if that’ll be in London or nearer home. But I am of course up for multiple viewings, so seeing part II with you and Guylty would be fab too! Let’s fangirl!! ^^
            Remember we need to stock up on chocolatey treats too! 😉

          • Yay, I know Guylty will be around that week too. I’ll be seeing the movie anyhow as it won’t open till the end of December here and that just won’t do. I’m not sure when the London red carpet event will take place and it’ll probably be packed, but I wouldn’t mind scouting the area in hopes of catching a glimpse of RA, Aidan, Dean or Benny 😉

          • littlesallyboots (Hannah A)

            Woo! Let’s go and perv over the hotties together…both in middle earth, and when they’re walking that red carpet. 😉 Aye, it’s bound to be packed, but if it means being a few feet away from Armi…Pace…Mitchell…wee Bilbs…and even Mr Cucumberpatch, then I’m up for it 😉 Plus, we can flail and fangirl all together, hehe!
            We’ll have to sort out meeting places and all that jazz. Excited!

          • Yup 🙂 It’s going to be beyond packed on Leicester Sq., especially with the Cumberbitches. Shame they didn’t put butts in seats for The Fifth Estate, saw it today, really enjoyed it and am baffled why it bombed 😦

          • littlesallyboots (Hannah A)

            Oh no, it’s already a flop? It’s only just come out! :/ I haven’t been to the cinema for ages…I think the last film I saw was the mortal Instruments…and only to have a wee perv over Mitchell! 😉 I’ll probs wait for the dvd now. I quite like Cucumberpatch with white hair. It goes with his really fair eyebrows! 😉

          • I didn’t get around to seeing Mortal Instruments, but that was seen as a flop too 😦 We really enjoyed Ben in his white wig, I was expecting the worst and was nicely surprised. I’m actually quite surprised that people don’t want to see it. The story is current and fascinating, Ben is stellar as always, I thought the trailer was interesting. I just don’t get it! On the plus side, they showed The Hobbit DOS trailer! I was so freaking happy 🙂

          • littlesallyboots (Hannah A)

            Some peeps just don’t want anything too “real” or hard hitting I guess :/ I saw a clip in the Graham Norton show when he was on there a couple of weeks ago and it looked really gripping. It’s on my list…!
            Woo for DOS trailer! 😀 We had the trailer for Mortal Instruments and got way too excited! 😉
            You’re not missing much, having not seen MI yet. It’s a real teen-boppy flick, much like I expected really. Mitchell really was the best thing about it. I’m waiting for him to complete the hat trick and pop up as a ghost in his next film ;P

          • littlesallyboots (Hannah A)

            Apparently The Fifth Estate is no longer showing at my local cinema. Pfft!

  6. Pingback: Richard Armitage Legenda 102: Stuff worth reading | Me + Richard Armitage

  7. In total Appendix 7 runs for 4hrs 31 minutes. Appendix 8 runs for 4 hrs 45 minutes


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