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Stereotype Sunday: Je t’aime Richard!

I’m continuing on my theme of Stereotype Sunday and it will come as no surprise that I’m tacking the French today!

Viva la France!

French Armitage 1_edytowany-1

I’ve taken the stereotypical elements associated with the French: The Eiffel tower, sexy French man drinking wine, baguette’s and fine art.

We were in dispute regarding the onions but Magzy summed it up by saying: Well, can’t someone see this whole project as bit offensive…

We left the onions out.

French Armitage 2

The ridiculous moustache had to stay though!

Do we know if Richard speaks French?

Many British children learn it at school, so there’s a chance he has at least some elementary knowledge and the thought of it has me yelling: Oooo lala!

I love the sound of French.

You might be saying: “There’s an oversized ferret canoeing in out toilet bowl while waving the EU flat” and it still sound sexy 😉

We know he’s given Russian a shot (and had a shot of Russian vodka) and bless him for trying!

This is an on-going project so if you have any other national stereotypes you’d like to subject RA to, pop it in comments and I’ll do my best to be an equal offender 😉

About Agzy The Ripper

Sew, Rip, Repeat... and love each moment of it! Join me as I embark on a myriad of sewing and crafting shenanigans.

31 responses »

  1. He studied French at least until age 14. The school class photo we have is with the French Professor 🙂

  2. That second manip is just so well-done, Agzy, I am in tears here…
    As for suggestions – why don’t you try your own nationality? I’d love to see him as a wild, strong Polish man 😀 And please do not try any Lederhosen for the German stereotype. So un-sexy…

    • Honey, I did the lederhosen 2 weeks ago as the first Stereotype Sunday and there was uproar!

      Going from Silly to Stereotype Sundays?

      I was inspired by Serv’s love of German beer and an Oktoberfest party a company I cooperate with was holding. You tell me if Richard isn’t sexy!
      I’d do Polish stereotypes, but I’m not really what you would call an ardent patriot and I think I’d be very harsh. But, who knows? I guess if I’m dishing it out, I may as well take it 😉

      • Oh shit! I totally missed that. Because guess what – I was in the Fatherland myself, that very Sunday!!! And I didn’t catch up on all the posts I had mussed. Will read up and write a searing review later!!!

        • I guess you saw PLENTY of lederhosen while you were there, cos, ya know, that’s what we in other parts of the world think everyone wears there 😉

          • Nonono, not where I come from. I am a born and bred Northerner 😉 Lederhosen put me off, big time!
            Have enjoyed your post, though. I’d still rip off those hosen, though, especially on RA 😀

  3. Richard could pour me a glass of wine anytime, with or without the ridiculous beret. You’re welcome to have a go at a good old Aussie stereotype if you like. Bolly and Mezz will probably kill me, but do your worst. Let me know if you need any pointers!

    Do you watch Elementary, Agzy? The episode I watched tonight made reference to Jörmungandr, and I was so proud of my new found TAJ Norse knowledge- comes in handy at the oddest times!

    • You mean a kangaroo and one of those hats with the corks? LOL! I like it 🙂
      BTW, I watched Elementary during the summer. It took me a few episodes to be convinced, but Miller creates a truly amazing Sherlock in his own right. The writing isn’t as good, but then there are 20-something episodes, so they can’t write so many excellent episodes. I like that Holmes and the female Watson don’t have any sexual chemistry, just a genuine friendship. BTW, I hadn’t watched TAJ so I missed the Norse reference 😦 Education truly is power!

      • I was actually talking about the new series of Elementary- some bright sparks in TV land here finally figured out that if you don’t want people to get frustrated by delays and start illegally downloading, you have to broadcast series like Game Of Thrones, Homeland and Elementary close to their US air date. We are now getting new episodes only A FEW DAYS later than in the US. Radical, isn’t it?

        Hats with corks, Steve Irwin, Crocodile Dundee- go the whole way! A good Aussie knockabout bloke is called an ‘ocker’- think footie, having a beer with your mates round the barbie- you get the picture.

        • Here, have some gorgeous gods, Agzy. Did you get the ones I dropped on you in your TAJ post?

          • I did and it was wonderful, thank you! I’m doing my bit to get news about the petition out there, not that I think it’ll do much good, but a least I know I’ve tried.
            The candid pics are beyond adorable! I’m going to miss them terribly if the Johnson boys never come back 😦

        • Ooooo, no, I’m holding out on Homeland, Elementary and Downton Abbey till I have at least half the season. I can’t stand watching one episode at a time, I need to marathon shows I like and I’m thrilled I didn’t start watching Breaking Bad till the last episode had aired. There’s a risk of spoilers, but watching a bunch of episodes all in one go is my guilty pleasure 😉

          • It’s great to immerse yourself for several hours when you can, isn’t it?

            Petition signed- now we wait and hope.

  4. Very good… Richard could wisper in my ears any word in any language he wanted…LOL … Just in my dreams!! 😉

    • I’d have to agree that this can happen only in our dreams. He’d be so busy being the sexy whisperer that he’d never actually get any acting done!

      • Jak to szło? ” nie mozna wypic całago wina na swiecie i nie mozna miec wszyskich kobiet…ale przynajmniej trzeba sie starać ” 😉 Berecik z antenką! Cudne! 😀 i ten język (znaczy francuski;)) który zupełnie na mnie nie działa, taka kaczka dziwaczka ze mnie.

  5. I’d say dress him like an American, but most everyone thinks all we do is sit around ‘drinkin’ beer watchin’ car racin’…and half naked women at football games. I don’t see him with a beer belly. I do love a man in uniform….

  6. Something about that red tie is particularly masculine. Also France = the land of the unfiltered Gauloise. Mmmmm. Everyone please forget I said that, I know it’s not a popular opinion.

    He also speaks a line of French in one of the Hobbit interviews — “je parle un peu de français,” I think.

  7. He speaks quite a few French phrases in his narration of The Convenient Marriage. Delicious! 🙂

  8. Richard came to ski in France and we would be delighted to welcome him in Paris for a First of The Hobbit : with a wine bottle, at the Eiffel Tower or in Musée du Louvre but without the mustache and the beret (saddened, it is not fashionable any more!)

    He said “Bonjour” in an inyerview but that’s all !

    Big hug from FRANCE !

  9. Pingback: Richard Armitage Legenda 101: Stuff worth reading | Me + Richard Armitage

  10. Agzy not sure if you’re on twitter, but thought it could thrill you that Richard tweeted your Frenchman Armitage yesterday! Check out his twitter @RCArmitage

    Brilliant edit, I must say! Congrats! 👏

  11. Congrats, Agzy!

  12. Pingback: Richard Armitage tangentially related | Me + Richard Armitage

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