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Welcome to Armitageopolis!

Welcome to Armitageopolis!

It’s the place ruled by thoughts of RA.

A place where eager fans can gather and share thoughts and dreams.

Where every RA role, gesture, picture, and quote is analyzed.

 Where creativity flourishes.

And people from all over the world find a common interest.

 Welcome to Armitageopolis!

About Agzy The Ripper

Sew, Rip, Repeat... and love each moment of it! Join me as I embark on a myriad of sewing and crafting shenanigans.

26 responses »

  1. lovemrthornton

    Wow. You are so creative. My favorite is the snow scene with the lone car driving past the smiling face. Comfort on a cold night. Love it.

    • Just another excuse to stare and fiddle about with RA images 🙂 That’s a place, is it really exicted, I woud mind saving up for all year to vacation at!

      • lovemrthornton

        Perhaps after The Hobbit is released, we shall see him clad as a dwarf on towering skyscrapers. That may become an actuality. 🙂

        • Such a good idea! Like they erected a giant Marilyn Monroe Seven Year Itch giant statue in the US. Then again, him being a Dwarf, could it possibly be huge? Maybe they should release a lifesize Thorin with a tray on his head that we could use as a bedside table 😉

  2. I suspect I’d love to visit this place!!

  3. wow, Armitageopolis! I’m a happy citizen! 🙂 thank you for sharing!

  4. I would call this the best Friday pick me up in a long time! What a creative way to highlight our favorite actor. The snowy winter evening, I can just imagine walking down the street with his warmth permeating all around.

    • Thanks Just a Girl! And they say utopias don’t exist in reality. I think it was Bccmee who was visiting London at the time when they were promoting Strike Back. RA as John Porter posters hanging everywhere. That would make you never want to go home 🙂

  5. lovemrthornton

    Hey, have you been getting hits on your blog from NZ, because it would be fun for him to see this. It’s a really fun blog post. I just love it. Did I mention that already? OK, I just love it.

    • Thanks! I think you mentioned it once or twice and, by doing so, you’ve always set my heart aflutter 🙂
      I don’t think we can rely on the country setting of views. My friend has a Mac (that’s what RA has, if I’m not mistaken) and, as far as I know, it’s easy to convert your computer so it does not reflect the country you are accessing the internet from. Comes in handy when you want to watch something online that is limited to US viewers, not so useful when you want to fixate that the handful of clicks from NZ MUST be RA checking out the blog 😉
      Do I think he visits RA blogs? Yup, maybe nooften, but I would think it only natural to peek at what’s being writtern about you. Having said that, there are so many more hardcore RA blogs, I should think mine flies way under the radar.
      If he does however visit, Welcome Richard! I like your bum and write about it often 😉

  6. Wow, this is really starting to look like Marian apparitions. People are always seeing her on the sides of buildings.

    • I prefer to see RA, thank you very much 😉 Plus Marian started to appear after she had been eased to the other side by a certain headstrong and passionate individual (*cough*, less said, sooner mended…), whereas I do believe Ra is very much alive, despite how it would seem to desperate fans!

  7. What a brilliant idea! They could project Richard in Thorin mode onto the side of the Embassy Theatre for the premiere!

  8. Pingback: The Armitageopolis Currency « I Want to be a Pin-Up

  9. This are really gorgeous pictures. I would decidedly prefer the wintery scene. Imagine walking in the evening, streets are usually more damped with a covering of snow, and than you just turn around the corner and see him…….Magic!

    • Oh,…. and the last one with Guy and “unserem Käsegeheimnis” is plain hilarious!! 🙂

      • Oh dear, best hit the Translate from Germen to English page! I hope it doesn’t mean: ‘I like a small but juicy sausage’ with the picture of Grizzly Gizzy right next to it 😉

        • Did you look it up? It’s really a funny ad for Swiss cheese (“The secrecy of our banks is shaky; the secret of our cheese persists.”). Somehow the fact that it’s right next to Guy is just ridiculously funny.

          • LOL, 9 years of German at school, nothing to show for it but a few words, luckily ‘cheese’ is one of them. At least I knew that ‘wurst’ would be bad news 😉

          • the postmodern position of “cheese” in that whole constellation must be part of what’s so unintentionally funny.

  10. Pingback: Legenda 30: Stuff worth reading « Me + Richard Armitage

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