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Daily Archives: June 21, 2012

When you’re the only sane person around…

 You know those days on RL when you swear you’re surrounded by idiots?

People say and do the least logical things imaginable, and you feel fortunate to be the only one who hasn’t taken any crazy pills.

Then again, if you’re in the minority, doesn’t it mean that they are right and it’s you who’s wrong?

Anyway, I am counting down my days before my summer holidays start.

As of the 29th of June I have 2 whole months of absolute bliss.

No work or college, with all reports written, exam taken and passed.

Believe me, before that moment comes, I shall, no doubt, have to go through the fire.

That’s the thing about nice events in your life.

You end up paying for them, one way or another.

I like to think of it as life balancing itself out.

I have a feeling I’ll have to go through some tough stuff before I can sit down in front of my fireplace, with a nice cup of tea, my pups by my side, and watch N&S.

It’ll be worth it!

I’m off to the countryside for a longish weekend.

Think Dibley Village.

It’s nothing like it, of course, but it’s just as special to me.

No sexy neighbor, with a love of books, moving in next door, though.

My neighbor is less this:

And more like this:

There’s a retired couple living next door.

The man is a tad misogynistic, and his poor wife can do nothing right, which he points out on a regular basis.

 I literally punch the air and think: ‘You go Lady, good on you” every time she stands up to him!

We call him Bilbo Baggins, that’s what he looks like. Unfortunately, he chooses to walk around sans T-shirt.

Yet another reason I wish it was Harry living next door.

When he sneezes, he does it so loudly, he scares all the poor farm animals in a radius of a dozen kilometres.

It’s a wonder hens lay any eggs when he’s about!

For the past few years Bilbo been conducting some loud, and very annoying, DIY project.

What it is, no one knows.

I’m surprised he hasn’t erected the Taj Mahal on his property by now.


Have a wonderful weekend!