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Look what I found at my local newsagent’s…

From the moment The Hobbit edition of Empire magazine  was out, they’ve been causing a storm.

I decided that if they have the Thorin edition at my local newsagent’s I’ll have to believe it’s fate and buy it, despite my apprehension to spend money on the dwarves before I see the film.

I figured that the universe would want me to have it and maybe I should stick the magazine in my handbag when I travel to London, on the off-chance I might get a cast autograph or *hyperventilating* Mr Armitage himself.

I strut to my local Empik store, knowing full well that they only have one copy left.

I walked over to the film section and found Empire.

Gollum is on the 3D lenticular cover!

I bet that’s not what you expected me to say, but that’s how it was!

I really was hoping the beautiful image of Thorin in blue would catch my eye and make me smile.

The bottom line is that as much as I’m very lucky in some areas of my life, I wouldn’t see myself as someone who’d bump into Richard Armitage at the airport, or be fortunate enough to get an autograph.

He won’t be filming on a set close to my home.

I won’t be attending theatre events or premieres where I could rub elbows with celebs.

Before you start pitying me, let me assure you of one thing.

There a level of freedom in knowing full well that amazing things like that will never happen.

I probably won’t get a pic of Armitage with his arm around my shoulders, nor will I ever get a chance to ask him to sign a photo.

Knowing this simple truth allows me to enjoy the things that are attainable, like meeting fellow Armitage fans and getting a buzz from seeing The Hobbit together with them.

I may never meet Richard Armitage, but I’ll experience something just as exciting, meaning I’ll be sharing my admiration for my favorite actor with other fans in RL.

Richard Armitage seems to be aloof in my life of late.

 I haven’t seen any RA in Warsaw yet.

The official Polish poster and the new book edition both feature either Gandalf or Bilbo on the cover.

I want a huge billboard with moody Thorin glaring right at me when I drive on my way to work.

Am I asking too much?

About Agzy The Ripper

Sew, Rip, Repeat... and love each moment of it! Join me as I embark on a myriad of sewing and crafting shenanigans.

15 responses »

  1. I respect this post a lot. I did a fair amount of thinking about this issue a few weeks ago when the premiere dates and places were announced. I have obligations and limits and there are some things I just can’t afford to pursue. It’s all good. I’m still going to enjoy watching everyone else’s reactions.

  2. I haven’t found that magazine and though I could easily buy it for my iPad, I just haven’t. I don’t believe a fan defined by what they purchase or the lengths they go ..

  3. Over here, in the middle os South America, far from everything and everybody, specially RA, when I find an article about The Hobbit, it just talk about Martin Freeman and Ian Mckellen!! The images shown here are the same you posted above… No one with Richard… Richard who??? 😦

    • I love Gandalf, I love Sir Ian even more, but I swear that Hobbit poster with Gandalf on the green background is making me sick already! Enough, give us something new please!

  4. Pingback: Legenda 52: Stuff worth reading « Me + Richard Armitage

  5. At least, it is a sexier and younger version of Gollum according to Andy Serkis!

  6. I heartily agree with everything you said, Agzy! And I’m so looking forward to meeting you all in person in just a few weeks’ time!

  7. Lovely post, Pin up!
    I have been haunting my local B&N store on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Friday’s for two weeks hoping the Empire Hobbit issue would come out. Well, three visits total. Ha! But I do know the name of the Magazine section manager–and he promises to phone me when they come in. Ha! He and I trade quips now and again since he is just as eager for the issues as I am. But I can name all the Dwarves. Giggles!

    The Dec. 6th U.S. premiere in NYC is Finals Week on our campus. So I won’t be making the pilgrimage. I will see the film with my hubby. But I would also love to attend one of the filmings with an RA gal pal. I promise not to talk, babble, or drool.
    Cheers! Grati ;->

    • Hello Grati! I bet that B&N manager loves you 🙂 He’s probably never met an Armitage fan, and it must be quite a new experience for him LOL! I wonder if the fact that it’s a Tolkien film, we as Armitage fans are more willing to ‘come out of the fangurling closet’. Maybe Peter Jackson movies evoke such emotions anyway, so we feel more free to express our adoratio for Richard.
      BTW, when you see the movie with your husband, do you think he’d be willing to put on a Richard Armitage mask. Just for the movie, not all the time (cos THAT would be weird…)! LOL!

  8. A tam! W przyszłym roku cała Warszawa będzie oklejona Thorinem! 😀
    PS: muszę odnowić znajomość z takim jednym z Heliosa, może możnaby zdobyc plakat? 😉

    • Ooooooo odnawiaj kochana odnawiaj! Za czasów licealnych pewna panna wyszła z kina z kartonową podobizną Costnera z Robin Hooda. Może czas zamienić się w złodziejaszka kinowego?

      • Eeeee ktoby tam chciał Costnera kiedy można mieć A. Rickmana :)!

        • Tak, ale może Rickman za duży byłby w formie krtonowej żeby tak pod pachę i ssssruuuu z kina 😉
          Co innego taki włochaty karzełek 😉

          • Hahahaha! włochaty karzełek!…czy słyszysz jak uchodzi ze mnie powietrze?;)
            jakoś nie umiem umiem sobie wyobrazić seksownego włochatego karzełka 🙂

          • Oj tam o tam! Nie nie mów hop, póki nie przeskoczysz… małego włochatego.
            Nawiasem jak dodałabym określenie ‘grubiutkiego’ to powstałoby idealne określenie większości mężczyzn jakich widzę wokół LOL!

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