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Daily Archives: November 19, 2012

The Hobbit is Coming, and I need Your Help!!!

The Hobbit Fever, or I should rather call it Hot Dwarven Fever (thanks to Thorin and Kili) has taken over me, and I’ve been spending plenty of time trying to come up with fun and hopefully creative way to celebrate the opening of The Hobbit.

I’d like to publish a few posts that will give you some ideas on how to celebrate in an unusual or special way.

These will include a few designs you can use and a project or two described in detail.

As my DIY/ arts and crafts skills are very limited, I’m reaching out to my fabulous readers and fellow Richard Armitage Admirers for help.

I’m looking for friends who will write guest posts here at I WantToBeAPinUp describing the special activity they are undertaking.

I’m looking for people who bake to test or suggest Hobbit-inspired baked goods and are willing to write about the process.

I’m looking for people who are creating graphics for T-shirts, wallpapers, screen savers etc. who’d like to post them here, therefore making them available to other RA admirers to use free of charge.

I’m looking for people who are great at arts and crafts and/or DIY and are doing something special for The Hobbit release and would like to write about the experience here and inspire others.

If you’ve thought about posting something, but have never had the chance or could never be bothered, now’s a great opportunity 🙂


Please email me at iwanttobeapinup[at]!

Let’s celebrate the release of The Hobbit in the best way possible!

In a way worthy of Thorin Oakenshield 🙂

Ps. If I don’t find wonderful people willing to cooperate on posts, I’ll have to do the arts and crafts and DIY stuff myself, and YOU’LL ALL BE SORRY when I post pictures of the end product…!!!

You have been warned 😉