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Hobbit-Con and our Precious Richard Armitage

I had something else scheduled for today, but who the heck would want to read posts on any other topic than yesterday’s madness?


Just a few words on how it looked at my end.

Because I’m in the countryside, the internet connection is shaky at best, but I decided to join my Twitter friends to celebrate The Hobbit at Comic-Con 2012.

I had a blast!

We were waiting for the first RA picture to answer the most important question of all:

Beard or No Beard?

The answer is…

A beard long enough to be braided.

Our reactions to the appearance of our fuzzy friend was varied.

We were unanimous on the rolled up sleeves of the black shirt – a definite thumbs up!

We were also commenting on Martin Freeman’s hat.

All I can say is I wish it was perched on RA’s head.

He could definitely rock the retro look.

We were also commenting on how happy and confident he seemed.

My theory is that he’s channeled his inner Thorin, and that gave him the energy to project the sexy alpha male vibe.

Mr Armitage! We approve.

We might also put away the belief that he so loathes the film promoting experience.

He looked like a pro, and a man with a mission.

Thank You to everyone on Twitter, who made the experience so much fun!

A huge thanks to the following sites:

RANet – all images come from there

The One Ring

Heirs of Durin

Here are some lovely images from Jonia’s Cut.




Announcement about the name!

On a different note, yesterday while we were busy on Twitter, I realized how absurd the @iwanttobeapinup really is, especially if you’re limited to 140 symbols.

That’s why I’ve decided to ‘come out’, as it were, as AgzyM.

So, on Twitter I’ll be @agzym.

I shall also be using AgzyM in comments.

I was adamant to introduce any name that could be traced back to RL, but this feels good 🙂

I’ll be using my iwanttobeapinup with agzym for some time, just so everyone gets used to it.

About Agzy The Ripper

Sew, Rip, Repeat... and love each moment of it! Join me as I embark on a myriad of sewing and crafting shenanigans.

9 responses »

  1. Hi agzy! That’s much easier!
    I like Martin’s hat, but shoes would have been better than sandals!
    Thankyou for the beautiful pics from jonia’s cut. I haven’t got around to seeing everything yet. Probably never will! Richard looks mouth-wateringly gorgeous, as usual. I love his hair, back to it’s natural colour and with a bit of length to it. I wonder if Thorin will have crinkles… 😉

    • Thanks Mezz, just trying to make life easier. I agree there’s so much to see. Our boy has done us proud! I like the Martin Freeman outfit. When you’re standing next to RA, all you can go for is quirky. Agreed on the sandals, luckily it wasn’t Richard who commited this crime 🙂 He was wearing nice sturdy black boots… not that I noticed OR obsessed about what he looked like 😉

      • Well, that makes two of us obsessives who noticed those lovely shoes. I reckon Servetus will notice them too…she likes Richard’s footwear!

        • I adore a man with chunky black boots. So masculine and sexy 🙂 I think he looked great, especially tha he was going for the casual look. Then again, he could have worn a potato sack and still would have been the hottest man around 🙂
          BTW I am ready to read all the thoughts on yesterday, and I’m sure Servetus with have some corkers!

  2. So, finally, after one year, Richard is back and in GOOD shape!!! 😀

    • Agreed, he is one Mean Lean Dwarfing machine 🙂 He certainly hasn’t let himself go in the past year. If anything, he’s lost the Porter bulk and is more like Lucas series 8 of Spooks.

  3. Pingback: Legenda 35: Stuff worth reading « Me + Richard Armitage

  4. Hi agzym,
    This is nice and short. Although, I had already nicknamed you Pin Up. Ha!
    You know, for some reason your new moniker, agzym, makes me think of a gem crystal. Don’t know why. Hmmmmm.
    Cheers! Grati ;->

    • Thanks Grati! I was thinking about going with PinUp (and I really like when you call me that), but I just felt that after a year of being part of the RA community, granted – 6 months of lurking – it was time to get a bit more personal 🙂 Gem crystal! Thant’s a lovely thought. How about a lump of coal that’s in the process of becoming a diamond? 🙂 Lovely to see you here, as always!
      I was meaning to ask you how you were after the loss of your pup. When our dog Tina died, we wanted to have something to remember her by, a little monument, so to speak. As she was always sitting under a bird house, waiting for some tasty seeds to fall out, we put a cute bird house to mark the spot where she was buried. That way a part of her can always be under it hoping for bird to drop something tasty 🙂


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