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Coming up to my First RA Admiration Anniversary

As anniversary’s go, this may not be a big one.

It did however set many wheels in motion and since then I  have done and experienced things I never thought I would.

I write about the first time I saw North & South here.

The pattern I followed is similar to many other RA fans out there.

My best bud gave me the N&S DVD in February, I waited till late June to watch it. After the first 15 minutes I was hooked.

 And I mean HOOKED!

This lead me to my online search for info I so badly craved.

What I found was quite surprising. I had never before read blogs, but here was a group of witty, insightful bloggers, a small community of friends.

I cannot lie, I lurked for many months.

Perhaps this came from the fear of being rejected by a community that seem quite close-knit.

 I didn’t really start commenting until I started my own blog.

I have since written many other N&S posts about John Thornton’s brows, Fanny and those pig heads you should be on the look out, to name a few.

I have taken part in Fanstra3.

But most importantly, I have met so many wonderful people from all four corners of the world.

Dear reader- both lurker and commenter!

I am so grateful to you for taking a moment from your busy day to pop into this little neck of the internet woods.

A huge Thank You to those who retweet info about my posts, although I don’t say it often enough!

It’s your participation in this crazy blog process that makes it so much fun 😉

I owe you, Mr. Thornton BIG TIME!

I plan on writing a post thanking the bloggers who quenched my RA thirst in the first months of my obsession (lets call it what it is…)

How did you get hooked on RA?

About Agzy The Ripper

Sew, Rip, Repeat... and love each moment of it! Join me as I embark on a myriad of sewing and crafting shenanigans.

22 responses »

  1. It’s that lovely dimple/groove in Richard’s left cheek that I miss most now he has the beard. However, he does rock the beard, doesn’t he?

    I fell in love with Mr Armitage 13 years ago when I saw him in “Cleopatra” on television. The film was a bit blah but the sight of that sexy, long-legged centurion made me sit through it till the end!

    • Hello, Kathryngaul, I wonder if I would have singled RA out in Cleopatra! I’m a firm believer that he keeps getting better with age, just like a certain Mr. Clooney, so maybe he wouldn’t have rocked my boat.
      As to the beard, it’s difficult for me to form an opinion as I definately crush on RA characters more than on the man himself. Then again, him in a tux… 🙂

    • @kathryngaul: Wow! That is an impressive affair 🙂

  2. I’m smiling while reading your post. The pattern we follow is really very similar.
    I just watched N&S last October and looking back it seems ages!!! In my case, the funny thing is that about one year before (around October 2010), a virtual store, offered me the DVD in a promotion. I looked at it, got interested but said no!! ;-( At that time, I had an ongoing renovation in my apartment and was getting crazy with it!! Than, one year later, a friend lends me it… ;-D

  3. I adore the fact that it was friends, in many cases, that thrust RA onto us, in the form of the dashing John Thornton. Had they know what would follow (like forcing them to watch Spooks or Robin Hood) maybe they would have thought twice 😉

  4. Congratulations! Celebrating with an extra serving of chocolate 🙂 I spend time on YouTube, then lurked on the blogs, then became very vocal as a commenter and entered the blogosphere though not as consistent in providing content. LOVE your blog and so happy to chitchat, RA is the muse but the joy is in the community and that even with the occasional hiccups 🙂

    • Thanks Fanny! You are very welcome here at any time. It’s a silly little blog put out there for my amusement and the amusement of others 😉
      BTW, isn’t that lurking phase amusing? You find it unimaginable that you could leave comments on blogs you visit several times a day. Once you break that barrier, though, you wonder what was the big deal 😉
      I just came across my first comment left on an RA blog. Different name, same pic LOL! I was so stressed I’d sound silly 😉 Bless!

  5. Happy RA admiration anniversary ! It’s funny to see how we tend to all follow the same pattern about our RA addiction. I’ve been a lurker for awhile, now I’m forcing myself to comment 😉
    As for myself, I first discovered him in Robin Hood, but he didn’t catch my attention (what a shame !), not my cup of tea. Maybe if I hadn’t watch it in french, I would have been hooked because no one can resist his voice 🙂

    • It’s interesting to see that if you eliminate the voice factor, it would seem RA hitness goes down 😉
      I don’t speak French, but think it sounds very sexy. I wouldn’t mind RA saying something in Frenck, even if it was with a dodgy accent. I wouldn’t know the difference anyway and it would be like honey to my heart 😉

  6. WOW how quickly a year has gone; I too have just had my 1st year of RA love/fandom on the 1st of this month! John Porter got me in and then Guy of course. But hey they are all special in their own unique way. ☺

  7. Congratulations on the anniversary! An auspicious day!

  8. Pingback: Legenda 23: Stuff worth reading « Me + Richard Armitage

  9. Pingback: Armitage Poll Results « I Want to be a Pin-Up

  10. Gratuluję i dziękuję IWantToBeAPinUP!:)
    Inteligentna rozrywka z elementami mody- czego więcej można chcieć?!


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