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Thorin’s Headbangers Ball

I’m gone and all rockin’ hell breaks loose!

How can we possibly start to explain our Dwarven Hell’s Angel and his guitar rocking ways???


Gif by the ridiculously talented Jas!

I mean he’s Middle Earth’s answer to ZZ Top!

I know they say it’s always the quiet ones, but it got me thinking about what other bad boy mad skills RA possesses!

One that is a personal turn on for my is a hot man with beefy thighs on a motorbike.

You squeeze that seat real tight Thorin so you don’t fall off 😉

Oh, I know he’s my easy rider…

Thorin Richard Armitage motorbike

With that mane Thorin would be King of any Headbangers Ball, if not a mountain full of gold.

After all, we know he likes to

Whip his hair back and forth…

I’m not sure if I’m too pleased about Thorin errr… horsing around with sharp objects, therefore there’s only one thing for it!

It seems we shall have to get him a proper toy so he stops fiddling with blades for his (and our) amusement!

With all the travelling Richard is doing I suggest a nice little blow up guitar that will fit snuggly into his suitcase once deflated.

And he can also exchange it for some other inflatable thing if need be 😉

Any suggestions?

About Agzy The Ripper

Sew, Rip, Repeat... and love each moment of it! Join me as I embark on a myriad of sewing and crafting shenanigans.

16 responses »

  1. I starting Sunday in a good mood after reading your post!! Thanks to be back!!! 😉
    I’m not sure if I should comment about another actor in this post, anyway… let’s go… I’ve seen you’re watching Hannibal. I don’t like the gender, but I love Mads Mikkelsen. Recently, I watched ‘A Royal Affair and The Hunt’… In case you haven’t watched them yet, I highly recommend both!! Have a great Sunday!!! 😀

    • Thanks Luciana 🙂 I absolutely adored Hannibal. What a mind twist. I haven’t seen Mikkelsen in anything else, so I will definitely check it out! He’s so good in this part that I can’t really be upset that David Tennant missed out, although I adore his style of acting. I saw David in “Broadchurch”, an 8 episode murder mystery series and he gets 2 thumbs up from me. It was a close shave because I had acquired (ahem maybe downloaded…) all the episodes but the very last one which revealed whodunit 😉 Had to download the final one using my very dodgy countryside internet connection. Worth it though 😉

  2. I would totally hop on the back of a bike with Thorin! He does already have the headbanging down. And now that we know he’s so good at air guitar, maybe he should start a new career and forget all about that whole taking the mountain back thing. 😉

  3. I have really missed you, your energy, and your humor!

    • Thanks so much S 🙂 I’ve missed being here too! Just makes me think how fortunate we all are to have our little community. And I don’t mind telling you that I definitely haven’t spent enough time recently focusing on Richard’s thighs. Must make up for lost time!

  4. Very funny ! Glad to see you back. 🙂

  5. Pingback: Richard Armitage Legenda 87: Stuff worth reading | Me + Richard Armitage

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