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Bushy Dwarf Brows are So Hot Right Now!

I’ve committed the cardinal sin of blogging by writing a handful of posts, writing but not finishing them, leaving them in the Draft file, and not publishing them.

I’m also struggling to adjust to the scheduling posts system after the summer.

In my defence I’ve been busy taking care of Mizz AgzyM and that is eating up (no pun intended…) a big portion of my time.

I’ll leave the details for my WW post tomorrow 🙂

If I asked you what body part is the hot thing right now, I’m sure you’d answer:

The Bushy Beard!

Some of our favorite sexy actors have been sporting facial hair so attractive that the bushy wonders have made fangurls around the world take notice.

Never before have we loved the lip, chin and cheek warmer so much!

Sorry to tell you, but bushy beard are SOOOOOO last month!

Move over furry face, here comes the:

Caterpillar Bushy Brow

Thorin is rocking some serious scruffy brows and I am venturing a guess, though I may raise a few eyebrows,  that it will set the fashion world ablaze…again…

This new trend thrills me as I have quite thick brows.

Believe me, when they’re left to their own devices, I joke they need pinning back so I can see where I’m going.

Usually when I go to get them done the ladies at the salon Ooooo! and Ahhhh! over them, and it’s all fun and games till the tweezers and hot wax comes out.

Then it’s all just one big Ouch!

I’m in good company though and I don’t just mean  Thorin!

There’s nothing like I thick eyebrow to accentuate eyes and they do make you look younger, and who doesn’t love that!

The uni is where I draw the brow line, but I admire someone who can make it cool, like the wonderful Frida Kahlo.

Some other actors have also embracing their grizzly brows, like Benedict Cumberbatch.

The thicker fuller look is so in right now!

Celebrate The Hobbit with the Dwarf bow look!

 Instead of plucking your brows to about an inch of their life and then have to  pencil them in, so make sure you look after them.

Go to a specialist to have them nicely shaped, but be warned!

The chances are that if the beautician has 2 thin lines drawn on her face. maybe it’s good to go somewhere else.

A specialist will give you advice on how to strengthen your brows and will understand that over-plucked hairs may never grow back again.

It’s time to embrace the Dwarf Brows just in time for The Hobbit 🙂

About Agzy The Ripper

Sew, Rip, Repeat... and love each moment of it! Join me as I embark on a myriad of sewing and crafting shenanigans.

21 responses »

  1. LOL! Thorin and the Company could start a fashion and beauty trend!! 😉 I actually have thickish brows myself, although they have thinned out a bit with age. I am looking forward to getting them waxed again in a couple of days–as painful as it is. *ouch*
    You are so right–eyebrows frame not only the eyes; they frame the face itself.
    And if my husband used a small brush and a bit of brow wax, he COULD have some Thorin-like brows . . . 😉

    • LOL, I think I’d wait for my SO to fall asleep and I’d trim those few stray hairs. Can you imagine a guy waking up to see his woman with a sharp tool directed right towards your face? Maybe it’s good I’m single 😉

  2. Oh, don’t talk about bushy brows… I always suffer a lot every time I go to the wonderful lady who does it. Well, but as I really love my thick brow, I usually warn her to be very careful and just shape it, not destroy it !!! 😉
    Well, but in Thorin, everything looks great!!! 😀

    • It’s so important to go to a trustworthy specialist! I find some don’t clean up the area between the brows, which makes me mad.
      By the way, the first time I got my brows waxed in oppose to plucking, the lady tore a whole strip of skin from my brow. Very painful!
      Talking about waxing, I wonder if RA has ever waxed, or does he shave.

      • I don’t believe RA has ever waxed… lol… Actually, as I don’t think waxing is a male thing, I prefer to believe he’s never done it!!!
        Talking about myself, as a hairy lady, I have laser hair removal done in from some parts of my body… I used to suffer too much during waxing!!! 🙂

        • One of the few things that rae good about being an Easter European woman is we’re not that hairy, and the hairs we do have a quite pale and thin (I’m generalising). I had a bikini was once in my life. She started from the right, drew blood, I told her I was not going on and ended up with only half of a bikini wax 🙂

  3. Your posts are always very high-brow — this one more than usual! 😉

  4. I laughed so hard when I saw the Thorin/eyebrow gif! I’m not a Brooke Shields or a Frida Kahlo, but I’ve still got thicker brows. I saw bring on the trend, dwarves! 😉

  5. When I cut my husband’s hair, I’d trim his brows, his “prawns” as he said, to a nice shape, but left them fairly thick. A little gel, a little pencil, and he would have had dwarfy brows. My own have gone sparse in the middle of each one, so I brush a little eyeshadow over the gaps. I hated plucking!

    • It seems men get more hairy with age, especially the brows and ears 🙂 You sometimes see an older gentleman who has the bushiest brows you can imagine. It’s a wonder they don’t sag the skin with their weight. Irony- they’re bald 🙂
      Women seem to have the opposite problem, so we’re lucky we can hide any problems with a touch of make-up!

  6. There’s a rumor going around that you are also selling false bushy eyebrows. Is that true? If so, we can wear them as part of our celebration when the first The Hobbit movie arrives. Your beard item sold well. Haha!

  7. Whether the eyebrows will be made of natural bristle?….I just wonder…you know…all these talks about bikini waxing. 😉

  8. Pingback: Thorin Oakenshield Fashion Inspiration for The Hobbit Première « I Want to be a Pin Up

  9. Pingback: Legenda 46: Stuff worth reading « Me + Richard Armitage

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