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And I’m not sorry, Fangirling is Human Nature…

I’ve been busy with the RA Silent Auction business and it will likely continue till the auction post is out on Friday, the 28th of November.

A quick reminder, if you’d like to donate an item please email me at RASilentAuction [at]

The deadline for photographs of the item (maximum 3 per item) as well as the description is the 26th of November.

Let me just say that it’s shaping up to be AWESOME!


The pic above shows how a slashy fanart image was used by accident in China to promote Thor 2.

Or was it an accident…. hmmm….

On Friday I took part in a Thor marathon.

The triple feature included Thor, The Avengers and Thor 2.

I’m not the biggest Marvel fan, but I sure do like sexy men running around in super hero costumes, although I question where all the kick-ass women are (I have a Scarlet Johansson allergy, so she doesn’t count…).

Anyway, this wasn’t the first movie marathon I’ve attended, but it most certainly had the lowest average age.

There was a sea of teenagers (and I do mean early teens) which surprised me seeing that the last movie finished at 3.30am.

I was relieved to see a bunch of parents waiting in the cinema lobby to ferry their offspring back home and could imagine my poor dad sitting there at all hours of the morning waiting for me to get my fangirl on.

fangirl face

And by fangirling (or fanboying, as the case may be), I really do mean FANGIRLING!

It was actually adorable to watch then squeee every time Loki/ Tom Hiddleston appeared on screen.

After each movie they’d meet up in the ladies loo to continue discussing how unbelievably hot and adorable that Loki is.

Oh, Loki!

My BFF and I are easily aggravated (cos we’re cool like that!) and we were cracking jokes until I realised that I may have much more in common with these high-pitched braces-wearing loonies than meets the eye.


I have seen The Hobbit: DOS trailer twice in the cinema and both times I was:

– punching the air

– jumping up and down in my seat

– nudging my companions when they clearly seemed to be covering their face with their hands

– panting, salivating, squeezing, huffing and puffing, ready to blow that whole cinema down

And that’s just the trailer, mind…


The truth is, some of us will  never grow up, hopefully we never grow old.

Expressing enthusiasm (even if it’s in a public place) is one of the fun things about being a fan.

Running around London and emitting rainbows because you’ve spotted a location where Spooks was shot, getting an issue of Empire Magazine in the post with Thorin growling on the cover (thanks Guylty!!!), holding on to that plastic soft drink cup just because it has The Hobbit written on it…

It’s all part of the fan experience.

I don’t suffer in silence, I certainly won’t explode with glee in silence either.

And I for one intend to continue to embarrass and bug the daylight out of everyone who is stupid enough to go with me to a place that may activate my fangirling 🙂

So, what’s your most vivid fangirling experience?  

About Agzy The Ripper

Sew, Rip, Repeat... and love each moment of it! Join me as I embark on a myriad of sewing and crafting shenanigans.

34 responses »

  1. I mostly do my fangirling in silence. if I actually knew anyone nearby who shared my obsessions, that might be different 🙂 when I was 19 I sat through an outside concert (R.E.M.) in a thunderstorm, just to see my fav band play live (I was miserable!) and when I was 15 I took the day off school (w/my mother’s permission) to wait in line for 3 hours to get tickets to see my fav boy-band at the time. as an adult tho, I think the only fangirling thing I’ve done is to pass out fliers in the cold november wind to get in free to see my fav football team play; I’m boring *laughs*

    • Can I ask which boyband that was? I would have given anything when I was a teen to see Take That live. I still tingle when I see Robbie Williams on TV 😉 My 15-year-old self would have been gutted to know we didn’t end up married and living in LA with a bunch of kids LOL!
      BTW, by default being a grown up fan automatically means we’re super cool (that’s my story and I’m sticking to it…)

  2. Wow, I thought there’d be way more comments.

    Hmmm. Thinking.

    • LOL, it’s an unusually slow response to a post 😉 That’s alright, I bet all the readers who have clicked and read it are also contemplating their answer.

      • I’ve read a lot of people say that Richard is their first experience like this, that they’re normally not a fangirl or haven’t been since they were very young.

        • I don’t think I’ve ever gone to such fangirl extents before, but then this was prior to the internet, Polland was just embracing the fall of communism which meant that there weren’t any good teenage magazines. I’d end up spending a fortune for UK magazines like Smash which featured Take That. These were so valuable to be that I kept then in a folder. Nowadays news/pictures are so easy to come by that they are just a click away.

          • The flow of any kind of goods across the Iron Curtain must have been a nightmare. I can only imagine. I remember having to take a huge — colossally sized — suitcase to Moscow in January of 1991 for my boyfriend filled with the strangest stuff. Shoelaces and peanut butter I remember particularly … piles and piles and piles of stuff. And then while I was there the government cancelled all the bills over 100 rubles and you couldn’t buy anything at all in the stores unless you went to a special store for foreign currency. Everything was black market for about a week, and you couldn’t buy unless you knew someone. When he took me to the airport, Andy looked at my insulated boots (bought specially for that trip, I lived in Texas at the time) and said, “You’ll never wear those at home, I know someone who could use them” and he stripped me of my boots and I flew to Helsinki and thence to DC in stocking feet.

          • We were just talking about this very thing yesterday with my friend. My BFF’s father was a policeman during the old system (they were called milicjant) and although he had no party affiliations, when the change occurred he was forced into early retirement. He stayed retired for about 5 days until he came up with a machine that would make envelopes and as there were none to be bought, he ended up making a small fortune gluing together envelopes at home using a self-constructed device.
            I must admit my family was in a much better situation, both during communism and during the transformation. My father worked in the import-export business and would travel around the world, bringing back things that others could only dream of. We were also fortunate to relocate to Britain for 6 years (I can’t tell you how much these 6 years shaped both me and my sister).
            The reason my dad was actually able to have a job that felt like a lottery win is actually quite funny. When everyone was studying to become engineers and such, my dad went against the grain and chose economy. When everyone was learning Russian my dad chose English. I’m not sure why he went against the grain, I know the family frowned at his choices.
            There’s a lesson in that story 🙂

      • It’s funny that you should post this now — because I was actually thinking about my favorite memory as a fangirl recently and thinking about posting about it on the anniversary …

        • That will be wonderful to read!
          Enough with the can’t’s and must not’s within fandoms. Do what you do, what you feel like doing, what benefits you, achieves an aim or simply gives you butterflies in your stomach. As an openly “out” fangirl, I can’t stress enough how wonderful it is to have your family and friends embrace your passions. No one questions the fact that I can spend 4 hours PS a running Lucas North into ridiculous scenarios and that’s the way I like it! I like my fangirling moments, I cherish them and I’m not about to let anyone shame me or try to snatch them away!

  3. Ja zrobiłam szalik na drutach dla kolezanki w zamian za jeden plakat Duran Duran wyrwany z gazetki pt: “Bravo” + sprawdzałam jej wypracowania pod wzgledem ortografii przez pół roku. 😀 ..a działo się to w okoloicach !1985 roku. Acha ! pamietam tez że wraz z koleżankami śledziłysmy naszego nowego nauczyciela z historii aż do jego miejsca zamieszkania ( przystojny wysoki blondyn..ale taki z ciemną oprawą oczu 😉 ) Wszysktie też kochałysmy sie w nauczycielu plastyki (malarz artysta- czarne włosy w kucyk ..ogniste czarne oczy,,ach!! ..i takie urocze gardłowe “r” ). Co tam jeszcze..acha,teraz moge powiedzieć kto zniszczył dowód osobisty mojego nauczyciela historii..oczywiscie nie ja..ale że stałam na czatach pod pokojem nauczycielskim to miałam prawo wglądu do pamietnika mojej przyjaciółki gdzie na czołowym miejscu wklejono zdjęcie wyciete z dowodu osobistego pewnego nauczyciela szkoły podstawowej:)

  4. Zapomniałam dopisac że wyciagnełyśmy z córka mojego małzonka Marka na Thora2 i ten oswiadczył po seansie ze nigdy nam tego nie zapomni!!! On sie wynudził a my świetnie sie bawiłysmy do czasu bohaterskiej śmierci Lokiego gdzie moja córka płaczliwym głosem zaintonowała “nieeee” 😦 (dojrzewa dziewczyna;)..jeszcze niedawno był Thor teraz już tylko Loki )

    • I co, córa myślała że tą kaczkę znoszącą złote jaja by uśmiercili? Mowy nie ma! Lokiego tak wydoją nim kopnie w kalendarz że mu sięwłosy odfarbują 😉 Ten twój mąż to zdaje coś chyba zazdrosny jest. Nie ma co się dziwić! Thor ma klatę jak meblościanka ze śp Emilki i pokażny młotek, a jak wszyscy wiemy, rozmiar ma znaczenie 😉

  5. As a teenager I was a big fan of the 80s Norwegian band Aha. Bought all the teen magazines to use their pictures pasted into my diary, on my bedroom wall and in my school locker. My fandom didn’t last much beyond their one album though!

    • That’s sad, especially that AHa pops up every now and again with a new album. I dare anyone not to sing along with : Taaaaaake Ooooon Meeeee (take one me…) 😉

      • Yes I still like that song…the sun always shiiines on tv! They still release albums?

        • The last album was apparently released in 2009, so they seem to be going strong. I remember seeing the videoclip of Take on Me and I was wowed by the cartoon aspect. That was one cool vid 😉

          • Ha, I’d forgotten about the animation. I remember it was pretty good at the time. I could be wrong, but the animation drawings might have been done by one of the band. Morten? Mags? Pal? Not sure.

  6. I love Loki lots but not enough to do a marathon, ok I love Tom Hiddleston more 🙂 But Yeah for you! I’ve actively followed the press junket though and what fun it was/is! This poster being used for a theatre is rather hilarious, I’m wondering if the theatre wasn’t geared toward a particular audience? But if we’re reminiscing and pondering fan girling I say there’s is no wrong way. I’m at a point where I fear more competition or hierarchy of who’s a bigger or better fangirl. Is the bigger obsessed person the better fangirl, does one need to own or know everything about the star to be the better fangirl? So let’s not judge one another 🙂 and by the way me and my teen son (a fan boy too, he has life size Thorin in his room) were utterly delighted to be treated with the Desolation of Smaug trailer before Thor The Dark World.

    • I think fangirling is a very personal (albeit a visible) activity. I truly believe that it feel good and makes you happy then it’s good for you and you should continue till it stops serving it’s purpose. Sometimes it’s just fun to look back and reminisce about the good old days when you developed that first crush that you were sure would last forever, but not you couldn’t care less. The interesting thing to ponder is whether our RA crush will also just simply melt away or will he, like Robbie Williams, always have a lace in my heart.

      • A to pewnie słyszeliście koleżanko nową piosenkę Robbiego ” Go gentle”…
        cudna…kto by pomyslał…Robbie tatuś idealny..ach.

  7. Pingback: Richard Armitage Legenda 105: Stuff worth reading | Me + Richard Armitage

  8. Pingback: Most vivid Richard Armitage fangirling moment(s)? | Me + Richard Armitage

  9. I’ve “documented” my most vivid fan girl experience, and it will be a year since it happened soon. A very personal experience it is, still is. Am looking forward to the DOS premiere on Monday and sharing the experience of seeing RA walk the red carpet with fellow fans around the world.

    I had several crazy fan experiences as a teenager, a group of friends and I were fans of David Cassidy, Bobby Sherman, and The Monkees. (Maybe familiar for those of us in the US of a certain age). The poor father of one of my friends had the sad task of driving and taking us to all the concerts, since we were too young to drive yet. He never came in with us (they were more innocent times also), but waited for us outside, or went somewhere to wait, but was always there at the door when we came out. We screamed in the car on the way there, and screamed in the car on the way home. I would nominate her dad for a special fan father “sainthood” if I could. I obviously still enjoy the fan experience, but it has never been as full of total emotional abandon and pure joy as it was in those early teen years.


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