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A few of my favorite RA things: I like a Round Rump!

Some of you may have noticed a bit of a hiccup I had this morning.

Magzy sent me a frantic text message that GULP! a post on my blog is empty and WTF?!?

It’s true that today is my 2nd blogiversary but I decided to move that post to Sunday (RL stuff+laziness= incomplete posts).

I’ll come back to this topic on Sunday when I actually do the stuff I planned, so thank you for the comments, stop by for a glass of champagne and some questionable nibbly bits…

BTW, Week 2 of the Armitage Round-Up will be out tomorrow and yes, it actually has content 😉


It warms my heart that when I google Richard Armitage bum, as one does, a healthy amount of posts and pics that pop up are from yours truly.


Those who have been reading my posts for some time will notice that I’ve blogged relentlessly in order to at least deserve a nomination for the award of Biggest Armitage Bottom Connoisseur.

Let me get started on the acceptance speech just in case…


And here’s one of the favourite gifs I’ve ever done because you haven’t LIVED till you bound a one pound coin off Richard’s arse…


See you tomorrow 🙂

About Agzy The Ripper

Sew, Rip, Repeat... and love each moment of it! Join me as I embark on a myriad of sewing and crafting shenanigans.

24 responses »

  1. My eyes are teary, but I’m not sure if it’s laughter or the view! Probably both. 😀

    • I find myself staring so long that I forget to blink, my eyeballs dry out and all of a sudden I get teary. It may well turn out to be a legitimate medical condition called Armitagitis or The Dry Fangirl Eye syndrome 😉

      • So THAT’s what it’s called! Hint: staring even longer won’t cure it. I’m unwilling to try anything else though.

  2. I knew you wouldn’t forget this very special part of Richard!!! LOL

  3. Hilarious post. If there´ll ever be that award of Biggest Armitage Bottom Connoisseur I vote for you 🙂

  4. Bujny ale kształtny post ,Agzym 😉
    Oczy mi łzawią ale za szczęścia :D…ze szczęścia (rzekła składając dłonie jak do modlitwy)

  5. Oh myyyyyyyy – Arsitage approves. That stuff is good, so good. Badoinkdoink *coughs*.
    Looking forward to tomorrow’s goodie bag. xx

  6. Damn girl! Thanks for the “scenic” views!!! That is definitely some choice real estate 🙂

  7. I remember when I saw that episode of Spooks 9 where he bends over and I was like, HOW could they let him do that? and then I was like THANK HEAVENS THEY DID!

    • Yup, that’s a move of a person who knows what his ass-ets *cough* are. That’s my flirty move too. If you have a rounded rear you should never bend at the knees despite what health specialists say. Always lean in a bit and shift your weight from one leg to the other.
      Wow it’s been a while since the last time I did that though…

  8. I think you’ve already provided plenty of questionable nibbly bits with this cheeky post. Thanks– you have my vote as the all-time connoisseur.

  9. Arghhh…..Agzy, you remember eager me pushing to the front, throwing the very first coin to his lucious…..??? Oh, loved that sound!!! Thanks for recording this moment for all eternity:D

    • 🙂 you can throw 1000 GBP in coins at that bum and it’d all come bouncing back, like a monetary boomerang.

      • ….sounds almost like (me sitting in) a heap of bling/coins as we’ve seen only recently in a film called something like DOS…….. 😀 Sweaty job though! But the reward… Priceless!!!

        • Unfortunately I only saw the coins during the I’ve feed of the Berlin premiere and on pics. I bet they shimmered and reflected on Richard’s curves 😉

  10. Sooooooooo sexy. But missing the scene in: “Strike Back Origins – Mission Zimbabwe”. Just look at it and enjoy !!!


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